Putting Earth, Aliens And The Universe Into Perspective

Before we start ridiculing anyone who believes in aliens, UFOs or strange phenomena and before people buy into the Islam versus Christianity, Russia, ISIS, Terrorism scenarios and start supporting wars and killings for religion, money and oil, let's take a look at where we live.

Our Planet Earth.
Earth has a population of over 7 billion people and around 9 million different known species of plant and animal life.

Our Solar System
Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system. This system is made up of 8 major planets, over 180 known moons and 5 recognised dwarf planets. Our solar system is also constantly visited by asteroids, comets and other celestial bodies from the far reaches of our galaxy.

Our Galaxy
Our solar system is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, a spiral galaxy that contains at least 100 billion Suns. It is accepted that many of these Suns will have their own "solar system" of planets, moons and other bodies orbiting their star.
We are 27,000 light years from the centre of the Milky Way and it would take around 100,000 years, travelling at the speed of light, to cross the diameter of our galaxy.

Our Known Universe
It is estimated that there are between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies in our universe. Our "known universe" is that which we can see but it is known that there is much more beyond our current visible range. The Milky Way galaxy is in what astronomers refer to as the Local Group, a neighborhood of about 30 galaxies. Our nearest major neighboring galaxy is called Andromeda, a large Galaxy with over 1 trillion stars.
The Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Milky Way at approximately 100 to 140 kilometres per second towards our Milky Way and we expect the two galaxies to collide in 4.5 billion years.

Are We Alone?
The Milky Way is considered a "medium sized" Galaxy and scientists have estimated that there are between 100 billion and 10 trillion planets in our galaxy alone. Therefore, it is possible that there are 200 billion galaxies each with 10 trillion planets. 200 billion multiplied by 10 trillion is a large number of planets - that is a Septillion or 1 with 24 zeroes!
Researchers estimate that there are 100 million planets or moons in our galaxy that can support life. But this doesn't include those planets that can support nonhuman or non carbon based life. That number cannot be estimated as we do not yet understand what other life forms could possible exist outside our little solar system.

If our galaxy has 100 billion Planets and 100 million of these are able to support carbon based life, we can extrapolate the numbers and say that there are around 0.1% of all planets that can support life. Therefore it can be calculated that there are 100 quintillion (1 with 20 zeroes) planets in our universe that can support life.

Meanwhile, here on our little blue dot we call Earth, we still ridicule people with any belief that doesn't agree with our own. We still kill millions of people every year through our actions and inactions and we destroy our little planet over petty little things like oil, money, race or religious beliefs. And still many people believe that we are the only advanced life forms that exist!
The numbers though, tell a different story.


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