Through My Eyes

For my Grandchildren


The world may seem random, unpredictable and confusing but I see a world through the veil of secrecy, through the seemingly random chaos, through the deception, lies and manipulations.

It is a simple world. Simple in its structure and purpose. The purpose though is dark and once we peel back the deceptions and look logically and honestly at events both past and present you will also see its simplicity.

This book does not attempt to delve into intricate details or outline laboriously the facts and evidence behind my views. This book is simply for providing an overview, a vision of the “bigger picture”, of who we are and where we are going.

I hope this book helps explain what you are seeing and experiencing and gives you the strength to navigate your way through this 21st century world.

Nemo Significans 2022


“We are a species with amnesia.” Attributed to Graham Hancock

I was born into a game - a game that has been running for many thousands of years. A game that has been running for so long that many people don’t even know that it is a game.

Nobody knows when the game started or who started it but there are no shortage of theories. The two main theories on when and by who are slightly different in nature but the general population seem to believe one or the other. The debates between believers of the two have, at times, been fierce and deadly and they have been arguing for many centuries.

Theory One

Theory One is that a being of unknown origin created the game and all the players. The reason is unknown but the belief is that the being, having created the players, the board and every item within, watches every player, controlling almost every interaction to ensure that the desired outcome, whatever that may be, is achieved. He is all powerful, all knowing - omnipotent and those that adhere to this theory believe that, only through faith (and adherence to a myriad of rules and regulations) can the game be successfully completed. Winners of the game ascend to a “better place” and losers are punished severely. This theory is called Religion.

Religion has ancient beginnings and there are numerous religions that have long since faded away but the ones that remain today are somewhat similar in their Creation beliefs. The main religions of today fall under one of two categories: Christianity and Islam. Each of these have many sub sets where the beliefs differ in one way or another but one of the common elements in both these categories is the Creation Story.

Both Christianity and Islam are strengthened by a small number of ancient texts that have been discovered over time that show us a startling picture of how the world came to be, describe great catastrophes that took place over time and describe actions of our creators from times long ago. A number of those old texts were compiled into a books. The Islam believers have the Quran and the Christians have The Old Testament.

As I was born in Australia and my descendants were likely English, I have more knowledge of the Old Testament than the Quran so I will speak from that context but my understanding is that there are, arguably, not many differences in the Creation story between the two.

The Old Testament texts have been translated, retranslated and edited, over time but the essence still remains - the creation of our world, the creation of our species, a world wide flood and tales of individuals both good and evil.
The God of the Old Testament was powerful. He created everything through simple words. “Let there be light....” and so forth. Having been disappointed by his creations who had disobeyed his commands, he became vengeful and demanded cruel tests to be fulfilled by his human creations. There are stories of love, betrayal, vengeance, wrath and epic tales of wars, death and destruction. Miracles abound and tragedy always seems to be close by.
In todays terms it plays out like a major television series with all the elements of a grand tale or perhaps it is more similar to a role playing computer game where tasks are completed, quests are uncovered and foes are overcome, all under the risk of sudden death.
For me to even make this comparison risks blasphemy and all the misfortunes that that brings. In past times, rigid followers would have me disembowelled for daring to write of such things but, too late, I have committed it to paper now.

Followers of this Religion Theory take the Old Testament to be a true and accurate account of what happened. They treat other old texts and tales as myths. Dragons are myth, giants are fairy tale (with the notable exception of Goliath), fairies and elves are merely fantasy.

The Old Testament covers the time from about 4000 years BCE to around 400 years BCE. Although some claim it was written by God himself, most believe it has around 40 different authors.

A new book was brought into the religion around 400 years AD. This book relates tales primarily around an individual named Jesus. How this came to be and who actually compiled these stories hundreds of years after the supposed death and resurrection of Jesus, is a point that is argued still. Some claim Emperor Constantine called for its creation to unite the people under one religion. The Council of Nicaea was arranged so as to agree the contents of the new testimonials, the New Testament, and create a strong religion that all the masses could adhere to. His wife, coincidentally, claimed to have discovered an actual piece of the crucifixion cross in a cave some 400 years after the crucifixion. 

The times of many gods, Zeus and Aphrodite from Greece, Osiris and Ra of Egypt, Norse gods Odin and Thor, Venus and Mars from Italy and many others will fade away to be replaced by one God.

But, as I have said, these points are still being argued and are likely to be argued for many years to come. There is also a resurgence of some of the old Gods and some Gods never faded. The Hindu gods including Vishnu and Shiva have survived Christianity albeit in many parts of the world as myth. Temples have been recently built for Odin and Thor in Iceland and Denmark and Germany has a growing number of Germanic Heathens who worship Odin, Thor and the Germanic nature spirits of Elves and Trolls.

There are now many variations of the Religion Theory that has, over time, splintered them into many separate religions with some major and minor differences between them. I cannot cover them all and I dare not discuss the so-called “pagan religions” that were once believed by many but now are relegated to history and a few scattered followers. The above is simply meant to outline the basic points of the religion theory as it relates to how and why this game exists.


Theory Two

The second most popular theory is that the game was created by an explosion 14 billion years ago and although they cannot explain what the explosion was and why it came to be, they theorise that all the components of the game came from that one explosion they call The Big Bang. Everything in the universe was then formed using these components over time through luck, chance, chemical reactions and something they call “evolution”.

Evolution is the process where certain things become completely different things over time. A puddle of sludge becomes a jellyfish which then over time becomes a fish, which eventually becomes a dolphin, dinosaur then a monkey, etc, until humans become what we are today. Pictures showing the alleged evolution of man from monkey fill books, magazines and the internet as though the picture is all the proof we need that evolution is not a theory but a fact.

Proponents of this theory believe that we are all still evolving and eventually we will change into something very different.

This theory of how the game was created, including the evolution theory, is often touted as being the most intelligent as much of it can be explained by scholars using mathematics and, more importantly, seems to give an alternative to believing in a God. The fact that this theory relies on the complete fabrication of an unexplainable “Big Bang” that came from something, somewhere, somehow does not seem to deter the followers of the theory. They can theorise fanciful elements such as Dark Matter to balance their mathematical equations that support this theory and they can invent Black Holes to explain why they can’t see certain areas of space millions of kilometres away and why there are magnetic waves throughout the universe but the truth is that there is no real evidence for any evolution of one species into another ever occurring.

This theory is referred to by many as simply “Science” despite the fact that it relies on a miracle to begin followed by many more miracles (or at least extremely improbable, seemingly random, chance reactions) to create the world we have today. Although it relies on a creation of something from nothing, believers of this theory are likely to adhere tightly to the theory primarily because the only perceived alternative is Theory 1.

“Evolution is a theory universally accepted not because it can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible.” D.M.S Watson - Jodrell Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy at University College, London from 1921 to 1951.

“Though we must hold to our faith in the evolution of species, there is little evidence as to how it has come about, and no clear proof that the process is continuing in any considerable degree at the present time.”

William Bateson British Biologist - 1861 1926

“What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities. All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed. ... The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories.” —Leading 20th Century Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr

Those who accept the Evolution Theory as truth, seem to do so with a religious fervour. The theory exists as the only possible alternative to Creation and therefore it is seen as something to fight vehemently for. It is perceived that to deny the Evolution Theory is to automatically accept religion over science. To me it is not a competition. The answer is somewhere and we should keep looking and discussing alternatives without narrowing the race to simply the two competing theories.


Somehow, this theory of Evolution is now being mutated into a belief that human evolution has reached a plateau and can only continue if we incorporate technology into our bodies. A Transhuman Revolution is gaining popularity as scientific commentators and billionaires tout that our next logical evolutionary step is not up to “nature” but up to science and technology.

On September 12, 2022, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, signed an Executive Order wherein it states:

“We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.”

“DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” Bill Gates

It seems we are being herded into an era where our “evolution” is turning us into easily programmable beings. This will not be at all surprising once you understand the forthcoming chapter: The Rules Of The Game.

Theory Three

I am not religious. I do not believe that we evolved from an (unexplained) explosion of all matter. I do believe in a higher power and of greater beings. We can call them Gods if we must but I don’t think of it in those terms. What follows is my best explanation for what I believe but I will need to explain as I go and I suggest that if you are a strong believer in Theory One or Theory Two that you stop now. Once a mind is made up, there is little anyone can do to change it.

We live in an electric universe. Every day science brings us closer to the truth that electricity runs the universe. Suns, planets, weather, animals, it is the common element that binds everything. Even we human beings generate an electric charge. When we break matter down to its most basic components, electricity is there. The atoms, protons and electrons are electric. Electricity, electromagnetism, magnetic fields. A light beam is actually a set of oscillating electric and magnetic fields rippling along at around 300,000 kilometres per second. Yes, light is simply an electric and magnetic (electromagnetic) wave that doesn’t need a medium to travel along. It can even travel through a vacuum.

Our sight, our touch, our thoughts are electrical impulses sent to our brains. The elements in our bodies, like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, have a specific electrical charge. Almost all of our cells can use these charged elements (ions) to generate electricity. Our bodies generate electricity 24 hours a day - around 75 watts a day if we are healthy. It is what our bodies are designed to do.

We are electric. The universe is electric.

To fully understand this we should understand atoms. What follows is my best and simplest explanation.


We are made up of atoms. Everything in our universe is made up of atoms. (Well perhaps not everything. Light, for instance, is not matter so it isn’t made of atoms but you get my point.)

An atom consists of a positively charged nucleus (made of protons and neutrons) surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
Atoms are the smallest unit into which matter can be divided without the release of the electrically charged particles.

The protons and electrons within each atom are electrically charged, and the electric forces are what holds the atom together. The neutrons hold no charge.

The electrons are in constant motion around the nucleus.

The majority of an atom is simply empty space. This empty space accounts for 99.99999999% of the atom. We are 99.99999999% empty space. All the objects we see, touch, feel, hold, are 99.99999999% empty space. The movement of the electrons is what gives us the impression that matter is solid rather than 99.99999999% empty space. The principle is similar to a rotating fan. There is space between the blades but the motion means we cannot simply pass through it. If the fan blades spin fast enough it will even appear as a solid disk to the naked eye.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla

So we are 99.99999999% empty space. Our entire universe is only .00000001% away from being nothing at all.
Our reality is only there because of the electrical forces in our atoms.

If we venture even further into what makes us, well, us, we enter the quantum world. The world where we look at the electrons, protons and neutrons and even photons (tiny elements of light) is Quantum Physics.

It is in this realm where scientists are finding that the laws of physics that apply to us in this larger world do not necessarily apply to the subatomic world. Once we start analysing the elements of the atom we discovered that the world was not as we thought it was.

The study of subatomic particles has been ongoing since the late 1800s and is a complex and complicated field to understand. There are two aspects though that are important from the perspective of what makes our universe work.

Quantum Entanglement

Quantum entanglement proves how two subatomic particles can be intimately linked to each other even if separated by billions of light-years of space. Despite their vast separation, a change induced in one will affect the other. What does this mean?

Picture two entangled electrons as balloons. We can place one on Pluto and I hold the other one here on Earth. Quantum Entanglement shows that if I burst the ballon I am holding here on earth, the quantum entangled balloon on Pluto will also burst. Immediately. No time lag for some type of communication signal to go from one to the other. The effect is instantaneous. Of course nothing in the world outside of the quantum realm does this. Two electrons entangled to such a degree that whatever we do to one we are actually doing to both. Instantaneously.

The Slit Experiment

The Slit Experiment has been conducted many times with both electrons and photons. I won’t go into the intricate details of the experiments but, in a nut shell, it is the firing of electrons at a metal sheet that has slits cut into it and onto a surface. The experiment showed that the electrons acted in a way physicists call a “wave pattern”. 


When something or someone is introduced into the experiment such as an observer or a measuring device, the electrons act as particles, not waves. The simple act of observing or measuring changes the way the electrons behave. In the quantum realm, when the electrons or photons interact with our world they behave differently. The simple act of us looking at them changes what they do and how they do it.
There is much more to this experiment and further reading is recommended but the important point for me, and the one that impacted how I see the world, is that It seems to show that all possible realities exist at once (a concept known as superposition) until “it” happens.
We cannot observe the system or measure its properties without interacting with it. And where there is an interaction, there will be a modification of properties. As soon as we are somehow involved with the electrons and photons they behave with a different set of rules.

As strange as this is, it could mean that when no one is watching, our reality is actually completely different from the one we see.

“It would be most satisfactory if physics and psyche could be seen as complementary aspects of the same reality”
― Wolfgang Pauli

So this is what we are. This is what our universe is. Subatomic particles (that behave strangely) forming atoms (which are almost completely empty space), bonding to form complex systems that combine with other complex systems and so on until we have us (humans and all other living and non living things that we can see, touch, taste, etc, etc, etc) and everything is electric/electromagnetic.

Welcome to the world of the real.

“What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” Morpheus, from The Matrix, 1999

As anyone who has ever played a computer role playing game will attest, the reality of the character on the screen is simply the length and breath of the screen. The player understands that nothing is happening outside of the screen in view. They know that the characters and the world don’t exist until it is part of what can be seen on the screen. An enemy isn’t in another village fighting and killing unless you see it. If it is not on the screen it simply does not exist in any real form other than coding in a program waiting until the character reaches him and interacts with him.

From the point of view of the player, he knows he is simply a player. He knows that the screen shows only that part of the game that he is in. He understands that it is a computer game and he understands that games have limitations. Most players understand that the game, however real it may feel at the time, is simply computer code being processed by a computer with movements and outcomes based on his input into the game via the keyboard, mouse or joy stick. And he knows that when he walks away from his computer, the character ceases to be.

From the point of view of the character, the world is a continuous stream of activity. There are places to visit, quests to complete, treasures to collect and enemies to defeat. The character sees life as we would see it. If he walks south far enough he may reach a sea or a cliff but he will never reach an area of nothingness or a black empty screen. The games aren’t designed that way. The character always sees his world from his worldly perspective. The character does not know he is merely code or that his world only exists when it is visible on the screen. His world exists as far as he can see from his perspective and movement from place to place reveals more and more of his world. His understanding is that the village he was at yesterday still exists even though he is in a different village today. There is nothing to suggest otherwise. If I was to tell him that the village he was in yesterday was now nothing but code and basically doesn’t exist. He could simply walk back there and say “See, it is still here”. No amount of explanation could convince him otherwise.

Unless of course he already had a feeling deep down that his world was not as it seems. Perhaps he could accept my explanation if it coincided with a deep felt understanding he already had. A feeling that things are not quite right. A feeling that all other explanations don’t really make sense. A feeling that my explanation fills a little void that he has had for his whole life. Yes, perhaps then he could at least consider that his world was indeed not real.

“Intelligent design, as one sees it from a scientific point of view, seems to be quite real. This is a very special universe: it’s remarkable that it came out just this way. If the laws of physics weren’t just the way they are, we couldn’t be here at all. The sun couldn’t be there, the laws of gravity and nuclear laws and magnetic theory, quantum mechanics, and so on have to be just the way they are for us to be here.”
Charles Townes - American Physicist 1915 - 2015

“......when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of the Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

“We, as a species, are compelled to try and forecast the future. We run simulations for almost everything to help us predict outcomes so we can then manipulate what we need to and thus completely control the outcome in the real world.”
Nemo Significans

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Acclaimed science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke

A Parable

The cheese-mites asked how the cheese got there,
And warmly debated the matter;
The Orthodox said that it came from the air, And the Heretics said from the platter. They argued it long and they argued it strong, And I hear they are arguing now;
But of all the choice spirits who lived in the cheese,
Not one of them thought of a cow.

Sir (Dr) Arthur Conan Doyle


Understanding the origins and make up of the game is a good thing but of course it doesn’t help to pay the bills or feed the family. “Life” here in the game is basically just a set of actions over a specific time frame. The actions are everything you do and the time frame is your life time - from your birth to your death. So regardless of where we came from and the reasons we exist at all, it is what we actually do in the time we spend here in the game that really matters.

Welcome to the game.

I Am Nemo Significans

I am Nemo Significans, one of the last remnants of the Baby Boomer generation. As such, I am seen as a relic by most, a burden by the government and, to those who wield power with the intent of total control, I am simply acceptable collateral damage for the “greater good”, whatever they decide that to be.

I am one of eight billion.

1 of 8,000,000,000.

Eight billion players in the game with more added every day.

Did you know that scientists estimate that there are up to 10 trillion planets in our Milky Way galaxy.

The Milky Way is just one of an estimated 200 billion galaxies in the known universe and each of these galaxies each has trillions of planets within them.

Each person on Earth could therefore have entire galaxies all to themselves. Trillions of planets in a galaxy and each one of us could have them all to ourselves. 1 person to 1,000,000,000,000 planets.

When compared to the universe, eight billion is not a significantly large number, in fact is is small enough to be almost insignificant. On this planet though eight billion is a large number.

Eight billion of us and every single one of us think we are special, different, separate.

And we are.

But let’s talk a little about me, just one of the eight billion, and how I came to see the world the way I do.

I am around average height, average build, blonde hair and blue eyes. This may not seem important but I find that all of these characteristics make a difference in the game. People see what they see and make instant judgements based on that. They say “You cannot judge a book by its cover”, but everyone does. It is after all why they spend so much money developing covers for books. I have found that people often say things, and even believe things, that deep down they know are just not true. A book’s cover is meant to display to the world what the book is about and signal to everyone that they should buy and read this book now. “I am interesting”, “I am relevant”, “I am worth your money and time”. These are the things the book’s cover conveys so although you cannot judge the quality of the writing or whether you actually will find it interesting and relevant, the cover plays such a vital role and you can certainly make many judgements based on the cover alone. But we all sound so wise saying “You can’t judge a book by its cover” that I am sure we will just keep saying it, regardless of the truth.

I was born into a middle class family in a middle class area of a middle class city and although I started work as a labourer, perhaps my intelligence or looks or quick wit or sharp tongue plus my ability to see the bigger picture and the connecting points, meant that I was promoted many times. I started with smaller companies labouring but eventually held top executive positions in global corporations. I saw the world through the eyes of the everyday working person and family through to the high powered executive jet setting around the globe - a perspective that differs so much that people at one end normally have no idea what life is like at the opposite end of the spectrum.

I have always considered my strong empathy as one of my greatest attributes. In corporate life it enabled me to understand the needs of the corporation, the needs of my superiors and the needs of each level of employee, enabling me to design and implement systems that fulfilled the needs of all. This approach proved successful and I was promoted regularly but with each promotion I discovered that empathy was not seen as a complementary trait but more regarded as a potential weakness. The higher I went in corporations, the higher level of psychopathy I was expected to have. Decisions needed to be designed and implemented with only two things in mind: the needs of the corporation and the needs of my boss. Every executive I met during my many years in these positions were the same. The higher the position, the higher the level of psychopathy. They were egocentric with a lack of remorse for their actions and a virtual absence of empathy for others. All their social activities were designed to further their power and control and most regarded breaking rules as justified if it furthered the corporation’s or their own ambitions.

Whilst I held these high powered executive positions I crossed paths with many politicians as well. The corporate world hired ex senior politicians regularly and we needed to deal with current senior politicians as well. There were also a number of ex senior corporate executives who had transitioned to senior “behind the scenes” roles in politics. Senior corporate executives and senior political people ate in the same restaurants, were members of the same clubs, attended the same functions and their children attended the same private schools. The corporate world and the high level political world were integrated almost seamlessly and the players I met and interacted with had the same high levels of psychopathy.

This gave me an understanding of how and why the decisions and laws are made by our elected officials and how corporations benefit. It explained why media corporations blatantly twist the narratives to support some causes or completely ignore some news but constantly trumpet others. It explained the rationale for sending our children to kill other peoples children in wars in far distant places. It explained the obviously flawed and inadequate actions in trying to “save our planet”. It explained why the rules for the general population are completely different to those applying to the people, governments and corporations in control. I will expand on this point later but for now, let’s get back to me.....

I am the third child in our family so I was given the freedom to do as I please (as the 3rd child often is) as long as it was out of the sight and hearing of my parents. Growing up in the 1960s and 70’s, I was exposed to the peaceful movements of the “Hippies”, the anti establishment music of a defiant time and I lived in an age when computers had only just started to appear in every day life in the form of calculators and “Space Invader” machines. I had the benefits of books, libraries and free thinking teachers and was I able to form opinions that were my own. I was not compliant nor resistant. I was not quiet or loud. I was not a leader or a follower. Somehow these traits meant that I was rarely alone and never lonely. I was surrounded by friends, books and nature but still had ample time alone with my thoughts. Exploring was in my nature and I would wander for hours in fields, forests and bushland or in the city. Paedophiles and predators where virtually unknown, or at least never acknowledged, so I was never questioned on where I was or what I was doing. Television was for Saturday morning cartoons and evenings with the family. It wasn’t yet the propaganda filled brainwasher that it is today and programs still depicted families together, happy and loving. (Post WWII was a time to condition people to big happy families. Breeding was encouraged.)

My youth was spent in a time very different to today. Simpler, freer and unencumbered by the myriad of stresses and pressures on the generations that followed, I had no need to count my “followers”, increase my “likes” or follow the latest trending “hashtags”. The terms “Orwellian”, “red-pilled” and “woke” were not invented and Enid Blyton wrote of people being “gay” when she was referring to their happiness. George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Animal Farm were required reading at my school. They were both labelled as Science Fiction and held up as paths societies should not follow.

It is difficult to explain these times to someone who wasn’t there.

Most of our freedoms we took for granted and we believed that most people, including politicians, could be taken at their word. Respect, tolerance and understanding were key elements in our neighbourhood which was full of Greeks, Italians, Germans and many other nationalities.

I like to think that I grew up in a time of innocence although I suspect there is an element of naivety in these memories.

A transformation started sometime in my teenage years. Those difficult years that sit between childhood and adulthood where chaos rules the head and the heart.

Something started to form in my thoughts. A question? An emptiness? A vague feeling that something wasn’t right. The feeling got stronger as time passed and the question, just outside the reach of my thoughts, became bigger. Something was either wrong or hadn’t happened or...... I couldn’t tell what it was but the feeling that somehow I had veered off course into a place I didn’t understand and could not comprehend. There was a void where there shouldn’t be. Something was missing.

Schooling didn’t feel right but neither did working for a living. I felt that I had no real purpose. Purpose was never explained to me and any question of purpose was generally met with “get a good job”, “have a family”, “keep your nose to the grindstone”, “stay out of trouble” or similar. None of these sounded like a purpose. Religion promised a purpose but it was clear that in reality it didn’t deliver one. There were no shortages of advice on what I should do next but everyone was basically the same - “Get a job”.

There were also many offers of distractions when I posed the question of purpose to people. Find a hobby, go shopping, watch sports, take up sports, etc, etc.

“Did you watch the game?”, “Did you see that news story?”, “Can you believe that twist in the soap opera show we all love?”.

Get a job, talk about distractions, keep calm and carry on.

Is that really our purpose here in this game, on this little blue dot revolving around our sun. Is my purpose to simply volunteer willingly into a contract of servitude and work hard so I can eat and stay warm? Then I can buy a house, raise a family and tell my children when they are older that our real purpose here on this planet is to work hard, don’t make waves, do what they tell you to and then they can keep this whole cycle going.

Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. Don’t rock the boat.

Who really believes that our purpose is that? Deep down, inside ourselves, do we believe that?

At least now I understand why many of the older generations in my time were usually serious, dour and didn’t like questions they couldn’t answer. It is as if they are telling me “Don’t keep looking for purpose. You will only be disappointed, confused and eventually you will just be left out of society.”

Society tells me that I shouldn’t raise certain issues. Society doesn’t like hard questions. Ask about the weather or the scores from the match but avoid anything that may disturb the calmness of ignorance and mediocrity or question the accepted narratives.

Science vaguely outlines a purpose. Science “told” me in my youth that the basic human purpose was simply to breed, ensuring the continuation of our species. It is the purpose of all living things apparently. Now, that same science tells me that breeding is the whole problem with the species and we should all stop now or our entire planet is doomed!

The truth of our purpose may be lost to time or it may be gathering dust in the dark corners of the Vatican library. It might be hidden in the numbers 3, 6 and 9 or buried with the Freemasons beneath a church’s flagstones. Perhaps someone knows or perhaps no one ever knew.

But sometimes I almost see it. It is there beneath the pages of a book or behind the melody in a song or carefully hidden in a Grand Master oil painting or just in the faint echos of midnight that I can’t quite hear, but I can never quite see it or understand it. For now let’s just assume we need to dig deep within ourselves and find our own personal purpose that makes our life meaningful to us. I have played computer games that do not reveal the true purpose until the end. The game is primarily about survival and then the purpose is revealed in some climactic ending. Perhaps we have to wait until then for our own true purpose to be revealed. Many ancient texts write of a judgement at the end where our efforts and conduct are deemed either worthy or unworthy. Perhaps in the end the purpose of this game will be revealed. Or perhaps not.

In the meantime I will continue to live with this void, this feeling that something isn’t right and try to see the game through to the end.



The Game

As I grew to understand the game, I discovered some fundamental truths. These truths act like a filter on everything around me. They give me clarity to see the machinations of certain aspects of the Game and transform what at first looks like randomness into patterns. To see the world through my eyes you will first need to accept some fundamental truths.

Fundamental Truth 1

Those with power crave even more power and more control.

The actions of these people revolve around two things only : Retaining the power they have and increasing their power. The more power and control they have, the more they want. It is their driver, their reason for being, their ultimate aim.

They believe the objective of the game is to have total control. This is their governing principle. Not rule of law, not high moral codes, not a sense of care, love or humanity, just control. Wealth is not their aim, wealth is simply a tool to be used to gain more power and more control. When they have enough power and control, money will no longer be required.

Fundamental Truth 2

Trillions of dollars has been invested and centuries of experiments have been conducted so that the people in control can understand, manipulate and control the thoughts and actions of ordinary people. This enables them to reliably control how the majority will react and what they will think on any situation. This cannot be understated and cannot be ignored. It is an uncomfortable Fundamental Truth but one that must be recognised and understood to see the truth of it all.

Fundamental Truth 1 Explained

“Who is driving this bus?”

Who are the actual ones in control? Is it just a group of billionaires, bankers, corporate chairman and Royals all acting independently with only their own interests in mind? Or is there a controlling body with a long term agenda using these others as a means to achieve their goals? An Oligarchy cloaked in secrecy and plotting, planning and scheming for world control?

I could research and investigate the people in the structure of control around the world and I would likely see an organised hierarchy with groups like the Windsors, now headed by King Charles III, the Dutch Royals (currently headed by King Willem-Alexander but most likely run by now abdicated Queen Beatrix), the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, a faceless group in the Vatican, a hidden remnant of the Chinese Dynasty or perhaps Li Keqiang (leader of the Chinese Government) and others. Vladimir Putin has even considered reinstating the Romanovs as the Russian Royal Family, a move almost certainly to create or maintain a seat at the top tier. (George Romanov, Grand Duke of Russia and a direct descendant of the Romanov Dynasty, was recently married in a “Royal” wedding last year. He now lives Moscow.)

The names are arguable and in the end don’t really matter at the moment but the group certainly exists in some form. History shows it to be so. There IS an Oligarchy consisting of members who know what it is to have control. Some have ancestors that had control of entire Kingdoms and colonies in the past. Some have ancient pasts where they were in control of huge portions of the population. They hold ancient beliefs, ancient traditions.

This group at the top is cloaked in secrecy and operates in the shadows. They possess the vast majority of the global wealth and are driven by long held beliefs and traditions dating back centuries. They are the dynasties of old with a belief that they were actually “chosen” and have “the right” to control everything. Church, Royalty and State have operated at the top in tandem for thousands of years and continue to do so today.

Generations of privilege, hubris and narcissistic reinforcement lead these people to truly believe that they are entitled to manipulate the game in any way they choose; that no one else matters; that they are the true players and we are simply expendable pieces, there to serve them and to lay down our lives for them if and when required.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

“A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.”
Tywin Lannister - Game Of Thrones

They are invisible by choice but they do have a plan to create a world for themselves. Anyone not part of the ruling dynasties are merely pieces in the game to be moved, used or removed as it suits them. Where once we were required by them to maintain their exotic lifestyles now they have machines to do most of the tasks. We are using resources they see as theirs. We are taking up too much room. With the continued development of robotics, AI and automation we continue to make ourselves redundant in their world.

Their plans for the future do not include us. We are now simply a problem to be solved!

“By operating with obscurity, the historic problem of villagers storming the castle armed with pitchforks, disappears. You cannot rise up against a shadow or whisper. You cannot fight an enemy who no one believes exists. The enemy meanwhile remains safe behind a wall of secrecy and anonymity.”

Nemo Significans

I can postulate other levels based on the limited information I have. I put forward these suggestions so as to understand better the structure of how this organisation works not as a means to identify any specific person.

The second level is, necessarily so, more visible to the public eye and likely includes well known figures such as Bill Gates (with his family ties to Eugenics), Xi Jinping (Chinese President), Bezos (Amazon), Jack Ma (Alibaba), Kissinger, Soros and a number of other wealthy and connected individuals. This group does not have the same pedigree as level one and so can never be accepted into a higher level. They are the organisers and enablers of top level policy and direction. Direction is handed down to this level secretly via established, trusted channels together with known conventions such as Bilderberg (

Action plans are then developed and put in place through the many established Foundations, by governments or by utilising the controlling mechanisms of the United Nations and World Economic Forum for example. Organisations such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank also operate on this level.

The third tier consists of those entities used to complete and enact policy. Organisations such as NATO, MI5 and 6, CIA, FBI, KGB (now FSB) and all the other intelligence services around the globe can be utilised to enact the predetermined policies and plans. Larger governments are likely also part of this tier, with actions being coordinated through appropriate non elected senior officials.

The remaining levels are the groups and organisations that form a line, a barrier, between the population and the levels above. Police, NGOs (Non Government Organisations), Defence Forces and lower level politicians and civil servants. These are selected from the general population to serve as the upholders of the decrees issued from above.

Remember these two points:

• Those with power and control want more power and control; and
• The higher up the levels the greater the psychopathy.

This then results in members of each level plotting, scheming, conniving, bickering and politicking with each other which inevitably leads to a constant shift in members. People like Zuckerberg, Jolie, Clinton and Musk I expect are members when it suits those in control. Others like Spacey, Epstein, Prince Andrew, Lincoln and Kennedy are simply discarded if and when it suits. To those at the top everyone is potential collateral damage for the “Greater Good”.

This of course is just my rough and cobbled together estimate of what the structure looks like. If I was to conduct a few internet searches on the subject I am sure to find hundreds of different opinions on the structure and each one would probably argue why theirs is right and mine is wrong. But as I said above: It doesn’t really matter who is on each level and how many levels there are. You only need a vague understanding of how this world operates as a structured hierarchical organisation to start to see the truth. There are people at the top, in the middle and down the bottom and they each see the world in their own unique way, from their own viewpoint. Those dynasties at the top are in control and we are now just a problem that requires a solution. If we look, we can see their solutions coming into view. Climate Change, overpopulation, food and resource shortages. The narrative is shifting to blaming us. We use too much. We breed too much. We want too much. Not them. Us.

It is the top level that are “driving the bus”, the Oligarchy, and from their point of view it is people who are the problem.

“Total control is its own reward. Not fame for being powerful, not recognition of power. If someone needs to tell you they have power then they don’t. It is just an illusion. It may be supported by threats but it is still an illusion. Most power comes from the simple fact that we ourselves let them have it. We do what they want, when they want.

True complete power is when we don’t even know we are doing what they want, when they want. We think it is our choice.”

Nemo Significans

Fundamental Truth 2 Explained

“We are all monkeys in a lab”

I am a member of the most experimented on species on the planet. It isn’t mice. It isn’t monkeys. Humans are the most experimented on animal. For hundreds of years scientists, psychologists, Governments, Defence Departments and more have run countless experiments to try to understand, influence and manipulate humans.

“During my working life I was analysed, reanalysed, adjusted, trained and retrained. I am, apparently, “right brained”, an introverted extrovert, and an ENTP, according to Myers Briggs.
“ENTPs are inspired innovators, motivated to find new solutions to intellectually challenging problems. They are curious and clever, and seek to comprehend the people, systems, and principles that surround them.”
Or so they say.
I was labelled, put into my appropriate category and I was then managed to ensure I remained true to the label I was assigned. I didn’t object. I accepted the tests and accepted the labels. I didn’t even think I had a choice.”
Nemo Significans

I now understand that I am both a subject of continued experimentation and a result of previous experimentation.

What follows is just a tiny proportion of the known experiments conducted on humans to understand humans. These are not theory or conjecture or “conspiracy theory”, they are historical record. Experiments that help understand how to better manipulate and control humans’ actions and thoughts continue today. Some are known but most will be shrouded in secrecy.

Milgram’s Electric Shocks Experiment

“Just following orders.”

In 1963, Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of experiments now referred to as the Milgram Obedience Experiments. The aim of the experiments was to research how far people would go in obeying an instruction if it involved harming another person.

Milgram was interested in how easily ordinary people could be influenced into committing atrocities, such as, for example, the Nazis in WWII.

Volunteers were instructed to administer an electric shock every time the “learner” makes a mistake (the “learner” was actually part of the experiment and made mistakes on purpose), increasing the level of shock each time. There were 30 switches on the shock generator

marked from 15 volts (slight shock) to 450 (danger – severe shock).

If the volunteer refused to give the electric shock, the controller of the experiment simply gave the following responses. No further coercion was used.

Prod 1: Please continue.
Prod 2: The experiment requires you to continue. 

Prod 3: It is absolutely essential that you continue. 

Prod 4: You have no other choice but to continue.


All of the participants continued to punish the subject up to 300 volts of electric shock.

65% of the participants continued to the highest level of 450 volts regardless of the known danger it posed to the subject.

The Stanford Prison Experiment

“Just doing my job.”

Philip Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment, carried out at Stanford University in 1971, was designed primarily to ascertain whether it was the personality of the individual or the position of the individual that caused prison guards to exhibit sadistic behaviour.

24 volunteers, men judged to be the most physically & mentally stable, the most mature, & the least involved in antisocial behaviours, were chosen to participate. Through a series of actions designed to acclimatise the volunteers to their prescribed roles, the men settled into their designation of either Prisoner or Guard very quickly.

Within hours some guards had started to harass the prisoners through middle of the night “checks”. It also did not take long before those playing the Prisoner role fully adopted those”prisoner” behaviours. Some even started informing guards when other prisoners did not obey all the rules. The guards quickly became more brutal, the prisoners rebelled, the rebellion was brutally quashed and cruel punishments were implemented. In a matter of days the volunteers became the role they were assigned and acted accordingly. The guards’ brutality increased and the prisoners suffered increasing psychological damage.

Zimbardo himself admitted that he took his role of Prison Warden seriously and forgot at times that it was, in fact, a research project.

Zimbardo had intended that the experiment should run for two weeks, but on the sixth day it was terminated due to the emotional/psychological breakdowns of prisoners, and the excessive, aggressive behaviours of the guards.

When questioned about his experience in the experiment, one guard said "Acting authoritatively can be fun. Power can be a great pleasure."

Zimbardo was awarded the Gold Medal for Life Achievement from the American Psychological Foundation for his findings.

Pavlov’s Dog

“Creating an automatic response”

In 1902 Russian Physiologist, Ivan Pavlov, made the remarkable discovery of how a Conditioned Stimulus can create a Conditioned Response. His experiments involved dogs that he manipulated through behavioural conditioning to provide the conditioned response (of salivating) when given the conditioned stimulus (a metronome ticking).

The conditioning was not complicated and it simply involved developing an automatic association of the metronome with food. Taking an existing unconditioned stimulus of salivating when food was being dished up he easily created a conditioned response where the dogs would salivate automatically on just hearing sound of the metronome.

Pavlov’s experiments did not end there. Human testing also took place. Orphans were readily available for purchase in Russia in the early 1900s and the tests, surgical implants and horrific experimentation continued with human children. It is thought that the emotional stress of the child, having been anaesthetised, tubes surgically implanted in their throats (to measure saliva) and then tied to a chair for the testing, rendered the results less than reliable so most references to Pavlov and his experiment simply omit the experiments on children.

Pavlov won the Nobel prize in 1904.

Little Albert Experiment

“Creating an automatic response - in babies”

In 1920 at John Hopkins University, a nine month old toddler, dubbed “Albert B,” and often referred to as “Little Albert”, was volunteered for Dr Watson and Rosalie Rayner’s experiment. The mother was paid $1 for Albert’s participation.

The experiment was basically to confirm that Pavlov’s experiment could indeed apply to humans.

Albert played with white furry objects, and at first, the toddler displayed joy and affection.

When Little Albert was just over 11 months old, a furry white rat was presented, and seconds later a hammer was struck against a steel bar, scaring Albert and making him cry.

After seven pairings of the rat and noise (in two sessions, one week apart), Albert reacted with crying and avoidance when the rat was presented without the loud noise

By now little Albert only had to see the rat and he immediately showed every sign of fear. He would cry and attempt to crawl away as soon as the rat was shown.

The Bobo Doll Experiments

“Shaping behaviours through watching”

In the early 1960s Stanford University professor Albert Bandura wanted to confirm that people can acquire new behaviours “through direct experience or by observing the behaviour of others.” Using a Bobo Doll, which is a blow-up toy in the shape of a life-size bowling pin, Bandura and his team tested whether children witnessing acts of aggression would copy them.

24 children (12 boys and 12 girls) watched a male or female model behaving aggressively towards the 'Bobo doll'. The adults attacked the doll in a distinctive manner - they used a hammer in some cases, and in others threw the doll in the air and shouted "Pow, Boom."

After prolonged exposure to these aggressive acts towards the doll, the children, when left alone with the toy, acted aggressively as well, in varying degrees. Both verbal and physical aggression was displayed.

Bandura was awarded the Gold Medal for Life Achievement from the American Psychological Foundation for his experiment.

The Conformity Experiment

“One of Us”

In 1951, Solomon Asch conducted an experiment to investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform.

Asch devised an experiment in social psychology, whereby there was an obvious correct answer to a line judgment task. The subject was taking a test he believed was with a group of other, similar test subjects but they were in fact all part of the experiment.

The “group” would select the obviously wrong answer and if the subject gave an incorrect answer it would be clear that this was due solely to group pressure.

Over the 12 experiments around 75% of participants conformed at least once, and only 25% of participants never conformed. 32% conformed repeatedly.

When questioned at the completion of the experiment, the majority of those that conformed said they did so as not to be thought as “different” by the group.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

“It’s for science”

In the Tuskegee syphilis study, from 1932 to 1972, the United States Public Health Service contracted with the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama for a long-term study of syphilis to observe the natural progression of untreated syphilis on humans. Around 400 African-American men, infected with syphilis, were selected and studied. They were not informed they had syphilis but were told instead, that they had “bad blood”. The researchers pretended to give the men care and treatment for their “Bad Blood” but, in actual fact, gave them neither.

The researchers recorded observations of the effects of the disease on these men for over 40 years without providing any information on their disease to them or providing any assistance at all.

The study continued until 1972 when it was leaked to the press, thus bringing it to an end. By then, 28 patients had died from syphilis and another 100 from related medical complications. In addition, 40 patients’ wives were infected and 19 children contracted the disease when being born.

Operation Whitecoats

“You’re in the army now”

These experiments were conducted between 1943 and 1973 at the Ft. Detrick army base. Most were on Seventh Day Adventist draftees who volunteered in lieu of active duty on the battlefield. They were subjected to 157 experiments testing deadly pathogens and disease-causing agents, and experimental vaccine safety trials. Among the diseases studied were yellow fever, encephalitis, plague, tularemia, and others. The purpose was to determine their potential effectiveness as biological weapons and to gain knowledge about effective protective interventions such as vaccines.

Participants were not fully informed on what they were being injected with.

Although the program was discontinued in 1973, similar medical research for “biodefense” purposes is still conducted at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick and at other government and civilian research institutes around the globe.

Project Shipboard Hazard

“You’re in the navy now”

From 1963 to1970 the US Navy clandestinely sprayed their own ships and hundreds of Navy sailors with nerve agents such as sarin and VX, in order to test the effectiveness of decontamination procedures and safety measures at the time.

Unnamed Various Experiments Worth Noting

In the UK Between 1940 and 1979, the Ministry of Defence secretly dispersed potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms across much of the country to evaluate readiness against a biological attack from the Soviet Union. They dropped zinc cadmium sulphide from aeroplanes and dispersed it by land to track the spread of fluorescent particles, and also spread e.coli, bacillus globigii, and serratia marcescens bacteria. The US also dropped zinc cadmium sulphide on unaware citizens through the 1950s and 60s.


From 1946 to 1948 U.S. scientific researchers in Guatemala infected hundreds of mental patients with sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Researchers from the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted the experiments on approximately 1,500 male and female patients housed at Guatemala's National Mental Health Hospital. The scientists injected the patients with gonorrhea and syphilis—and encouraged many of them to pass the disease on to others. The experiments were done in cooperation with the Guatemalan government.


U.S. and Israeli military personnel were ordered to take a controversial anthrax vaccine against their will and suffered major adverse health effects as a result.

The covert, government sponsored medical experiment, conducted on US. soldiers was approved by federal regulators in 1998.

The secret Israeli experimental anthrax vaccine trial started in 2007 and involved 760 army recruits over an eight year period.


There are many more examples I could give but details of experiments conducted on humans, both willing and unwilling, could fill entire libraries. There is one more though that is worthy of an understanding. Details available are certainly not complete as the CIA destroyed all evidence of the experiments and it is only through the misfiling of a small number of documents that we are now aware of the lengths governments are prepared to go to so they can control what we do, say and think.

MK Ultra

“Mind Control”

MK-Ultra was a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments, on volunteers and unwilling subjects alike. The experiments were to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture.

Though Project MK-Ultra lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the illicit program did not become public until 1975, during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities.

The MK Ultra program was undertaken across 80 institutions, universities, and hospitals and involved torturous experiments, including electrocution, verbal and sexual abuse, and dosing subjects with massive quantities of LSD.

Unsurprisingly, the CIA conducted the project with the utmost secrecy and it was designated with multiple code names. It ended in the 1970s and the records pertaining to it were ordered destroyed by the director of the CIA. If a small cache of records had not been accidentally misfiled, and therefore left intact, we would never know what the experiments were.

Here is what we know:

On April 13, 1953, CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles sanctioned project MK-Ultra, headed by chemist and poison expert Sidney Gottlieb, who was known in covert circles as the “Black Sorcerer.”

One of the original goals of MK Ultra was to create a truth serum that could be used against Soviet spies and prisoners of war in order to gain intelligence. Unsurprisingly, developing a truth serum proved difficult.

The project veered in a different direction when researchers believed that mind control could be achieved by placing the subject in a heavily altered mental state with the help of wildly experimental drugs.

Researchers realised that in order to control the mind, they would have to wipe the mind first and then insert a “new mind”. They did not achieve much success with the second point but made remarkable progress with the first.

In Gottlieb’s own words, project MK Ultra’s mind experiments researched extensively how drugs could “enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion,” as well as “produce amnesia, shock and confusion.”

In addition research was conducted on “materials which will cause the victim to age faster/slower in maturity” and “substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public.”

Subjects included drug-addicted prisoners, marginalised sex workers, psychiatric patients and terminal cancer patients. Most subjects were not aware of the tests. Gottlieb admitted that his team targeted “people who could not fight back.”

Subjects were dosed with LSD, opioids, THC, and the synthetic government-created super hallucinogen BZ, as well as widely available substances such as alcohol. Researchers would also sometimes administer two drugs with opposite effects (such as a barbiturate and an amphetamine) simultaneously and observe their subjects’ reactions, or give subjects already under the influence of alcohol a dose of another drug like LSD.

Hypnosis, electroconvulsive therapy, aural stimulation, and paralytic drugs were also used, sometimes with the assistance of a sensory deprivation tank. Other drugs the MK-Ultra project used included MDMA (ecstasy), mescaline, heroin, barbiturates, methamphetamine and psilocybin (“magic mushrooms”).

Some experiments had subjects dosed with high levels of drugs and repeatedly played tapes of noises or suggestions while they were comatose for long periods of time in order to try to reprogram the subjects’ minds.

Another portion of the project used government- employed prostitutes to lure unsuspecting men to CIA “safe houses”. The CIA dosed the men with LSD and then, while at times drinking cocktails behind a two-way mirror, watched the drug’s effects on the men’s behaviour. Recording devices were secretly installed in the prostitutes’ rooms to capture results.

An agent named George White who was assigned to this part of the project, wrote to Gottlieb in 1971: “Of course I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?”

MK Ultra even made it to the shores of Australia in 1960. Conducted by the Sydney University and financed by the CIA, the goal of the project was to see if hypnotised subjects would carry out dangerous and harmful acts that they wouldn’t carry out in their normal state.

The research into the CIA’s MK Ultra project continues today and details continue to be revealed.

Overview of the Results

Through experimentation we now know:

  • We can make people do anything if we reassure them they won’t be held responsible.

  • We can rely on ordinary people to use, and likely abuse, any power they are given.

  • We can make people believe they are powerless if they’re treated that way.

  • People will mimic the behaviours of others.

  • Peer pressure will change a lot of people’s minds even when they “know” it is wrong.

  • With the right set of tools, we can change what people think, do and say!

The Aim Of The Game

Although the aims of the Game and the structure and rules governing the game, are complicated, it can best be explained with a simple structure. The Oligarchy have the sole aim of total control. They seek a Feudal type structure that has them owning and controlling everything in a similar way that the monarch’s of the medieval world did.

A Brief Explanation Of The Feudal System

The King owned everything on his lands. He would allow the lower levels to lease his land in exchange for performing specified tasks and swearing absolute loyalty to the Crown. The Nobles (Barons) ruled the land and had control of all the inhabitants. They allocated the tasks and ensured tributes to the King were delivered.

The King made all laws and had final say on any matter within his kingdom. The Church upheld the King’s “Divine Right to rule” in exchange for a large share of influence, wealth and power. Religion was also used to instil fear, loyalty and purpose for the peasant classes.

Knights were appointed by the King and were for the protection of the Monarchy and Nobles and the King’s territories from all enemies.

The Feudal system lasted for centuries in Europe but slowly declined due to events such as Black Death, continued fighting between fiefdoms, the deteriorating conditions for the peasants and weak kings. The actual cause of the end of the Feudalism is still debated but most agree that the French Revolution of the 1790s removed the last remaining remnants.

Events had disrupted the aims of those who wanted total control. Their rule in a feudal system had ended (temporarily) so it became a time to ensure their own survival by building up their defences, making alliances and developing grander plans so they could continue the game in the future. Others saw this time as an opportunity to manipulate their own position to a position closer to the top.

The centuries that followed were tumultuous at times as players grappled for power. We were now in a world were being born a king was no longer the only entry requirement to the Oligarchy. It was possible for those not of Royal blood to be at the top and there were many vying for a position, most of whom would stop at nothing to get there.

It would be sometime before those at the top could again concentrate on completing the aim of the game. The post World War II world was an opportunity to start to install the structures needed to convert the world into one future feudal state. The UN was born, Bilderberg was established, territories were redrawn, power was allocated, global banks were created, the world trade organisation was put in place and science, primarily in weapons development, had accelerated at a blistering pace.

It was a time when new players entered the Oligarchy. The US had manipulated the wars, WWII in particular, to create incredible opportunities for its own expansion and the Rockefeller Dynasty took every opportunity to grow its power base to one that now matched the European monarchies and grand houses.

Many Monarchies that had survived to this point had branched into the corporate world, corporations became mega corporations, financial institutions became capable of changing the world and technology was beginning to provide a means of complete control of the peasant working classes. The world post WWII provided opportunities never before available and the continued experimentation on humans had provided invaluable information on how to control the masses while minimising the risk of a “villagers with pitchforks” uprising that had scuttled their progress many times before. In fact WWII had provided the perfect opportunity to escalate human experiments with prisoners and soldiers and civilians alike.

As key corporations merged to become mega corporations in critical areas such as communications, media, education, medical, food, energy and money, the Oligarchy now had control of the levers required to manipulate the entire population.

Their aim remains the same: To own and control everything!

This is the game I was born into.
This is the game everyone was born into.
The Oligarchy have their aims and they have their agenda. Nothing else matters.
They have the power to reshape the board and remake the rules.
They now have control within Corporations and Governments.
There are games within games as the upper levels vie to improve their own position.
I am seen as just a game piece to be played for their benefit.

Once I understood this, it was easier to understand the world events, the strange decisions, the wars, the contradictory actions and the bizarre convolutions of today’s world.

Their aim is to control everything and everyone. There is nothing else that matters.

It is indeed a New World Order that is being sought. Ideally, it would be a mono-polar world in their view. If that cannot be achieved because of irreconcilable differences between members of the Oligarchy), then a multi-polar world, consisting of two Feudalistic Systems and working within agreed constraints, would suffice.

The ongoing global postering, sanctions, threats and manoeuvrings of today are the various upper level players seeking their place within the final structure.

The final stages of the game are being played and, for them, the ultimate prize is at stake.


It is at this point that most people will start to waiver. Total world domination?
A secret group seeking total control?
A planned agenda where we are nothing but pawns in 
their game?

Surely not! Someone would have said something. This is that Fake News Conspiracy Theory I have been told to completely ignore. Reptilians and aliens and flat earth.

Everything is fine. TV told me so.

The truth is though that it is even more unlikely that this isn’t taking place. It is almost unbelievable to think that those Dynasties, Monarchs, Nobles and Billionaires do not plan for the future. We all do. All of us plan.

It is also unbelievable to think that these people make their plans with anything but themselves in mind. We all make plans for ourselves. We do not make plans to save humanity or to help strangers. We make plans for ourselves.

It would be naive to think that the plans they are making are mundane or minor. They are the most powerful people and dynasties in our world. Their plans would reflect that. They are not distracted by a shortage in money, rising bills or working at a dead end job. They make grand plans and have been doing so for centuries. It is why they have what they have and are what they are.

It would also be naive to think that these plans are not discussed with “equals” who may share their points of view. We humans are social animals and we discuss our plans with friends who we trust and who could understand, appreciate and help with the plans. More power could be achieved through the cooperation between monarchies or a merging through marriage of dynasties and grand houses or the formation of “clubs” or events where they can get together to discuss common goals and shared outcomes .

To think that the people with more wealth than they could ever spend and more power than we could ever imagine are not putting plans in place to ensure their safety, increase their power, grow their dynasties and continue their bloodlines is a ridiculous notion.

They are planning. They are putting these plans into motion. They are concerned about themselves and their dynasties first and foremost. The fact that anyone argues against that fact shows how much power and control these people really do have.

From ancient tales of the evil Grand Vizier of the Arabian Nights through to the Game of Thrones television series, we all know that powerful people inevitably seek more power and they design and implement devious plans to achieve their aims. We know it to be true from history, from tales and from our own lives. Why then do we question it now? Why are so many refusing to consider that it might be happening yet again?

To understand this we first need to understand that those at the top still have one main fear:

They do not want the peasants to rise up against them ever again.

Peasants rising up against Barons, Nobles, Kings, Tzars and Emperors are common through history. Oppression, the lack of any rights and extreme poverty often results in the eventual revolt of the peasants against their overlords. While many revolts failed, some succeeded and monarchies fell or were severely impacted through these uprisings. Others were quashed with swift decisive brutality.

Peasants were controlled in these times through fear and force but this was not always effective in the long term. Resulting revolts, when the plight of the peasants became no longer bearable, were a major setback for many monarchies and in some cases, the French Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution in particular, resulted in the end of the monarchy rule. The peasants are always one of the greatest risks to any autocratic rule.

So whether it is one their Rules, or codes or a guiding principle, history has taught those within the Oligarchy that any feudal type system that expects to retain power must have complete control over the peasants and that fear and force alone are not enough to ensure their compliance.

They have now developed better ways to ensure the peasants do not rise up.


Preventing The Peasant Uprising

In October of 1949, Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World in 1932, wrote a letter to George Orwell on reading his new novel, 1984.

There are many similarities between the two novels as both depict a future where those in power go to great lengths to subjugate and control the masses. In his letter, Aldous Huxley compares the two books’ very different visions of the future method of controlling the population - Orwell’s, with closely monitored brute force, and his own where the population were “conditioned” to not only accept their subjugation but to want it.

He writes:

“The philosophy of the ruling minority in Nineteen Eighty-Four is a sadism which has

been carried to its logical conclusion by going beyond sex and denying it.
Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot- on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful.

My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I described in Brave New World.”

The 1984 depiction of a brutal regime controlling the masses through fear and punishment detailed a state where every move is monitored for dissent and every dissension is dealt with swiftly and brutally. George Orwell’s vision was based on the continued growth and expansion of the tried and tested “Boot-On-The-Face” method to control the population.

Aldous Huxley’s vision of the future however, was one where people happily accepted their bondage and with the use of drugs, sexual freedoms, conditioning from birth and the constant reassurance that their lives were “good” and that they were “happy”. This way the controlling power ensured there was little to no dissent. Life was “good” in the Brave New World. Genetic engineering produced the right number people with the right amount of skill, for the right number of tasks and each accepted their designated role and social standing through careful conditioning from birth. Phobias, aversions, pleasures, etc, all programmed in to the child’s psyche via scientific method.

"And that," put in the Director sententiously, "that is the secret of happiness and virtue– liking what you've got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny."

Aldous Huxley - Brave New World

This is how Aldous Huxley envisioned the future nearly a century ago. He understood that previous regimes in history that had used “boot-on-the-face” fear and brutality to control the population, always ended in uprisings. He believed “the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power”. Huxley understood that people who enjoyed their captivity and did not comprehend their lack of freedom or choice, did not want to be free. They believed they already were free.

Aldous Huxley continues in his letter to George Orwell:

Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

In the novel 1984, George Orwell, with his first hand experience of the British Colonial rule in India (as a policeman) envisioned a brutally suppressed, unhappy population.

In the novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, with his strong family ties to Eugenics, envisioned a controlled, genetically engineered population “loving their servitude”.

The two worlds depicted in these novels are often held up in comparison to where we, as a civilisation, are headed to or perhaps are living in now. Orwell’s 1984 is often quoted and referenced in highlighting the current and seemingly increasing, “boot-on-the-face” approach by our society. It is clear that Orwell’s world is a dystopia that we, the peasants, do not want, but can see emerging. The similarities between our current times and the 1984 world are clear. The brutal control from police and state, the forever war with a common enemy(s), the constant monitoring of our every move and deed, the constant influx of Newspeak (new words and phrases with strangely defined meanings such as “woke”, “new normal”, “climate change”, etc), completely controlled and manipulated news and information, the growing restrictions around travel, the food shortages and more. The recent reactions from governments world wide on the outbreak of the apparently highly contagious and highly lethal Coronavirus 19 (Covid 19) and all of its subsequent variants, showed how quickly the “boots-on-the-face” approach can be employed. Quarantines, lockdowns, mandatory testing, forced vaccinations, travel and transport restrictions, curfews, vaccination passports, social distancing, mask mandates, business closures, all initiated almost immediately.

It is clear, to all those that want to see, that we are living in the 1984 dystopia already - and it is clearly not a “good” world.

But history has shown many times over that this approach is not a long lasting approach. Eventually there will be an uprising. When people live in a prison and are constantly reminded of that fact and the conditions become harsher and people have little to lose, there will be an uprising. There always is. Eventually.

Those in control, that secretive, powerful, behind the scenes oligarchy who seek to own and control everything, they know. From history and experience they know that the peasants will rise up against the boots-on-their-faces. They always have.

The dystopia that Aldous Huxley envisioned, however, was based on complete control wrapped in a technologically advanced utopia. His Brave New World had everyone “happy”. Through the use of drugs and conditioning, the inhabitants of Huxley’s world were not aware they were being controlled. If they were aware, they did not care. Happiness was always immediately available through simply taking a Soma and distractions were plentiful. Everyone was healthy and had their own purpose. No sickness, no ageing. They each had their place in society and they fitted in perfectly. Orwell’s brutal police state thugs with their firm grip and heavy hand had been replaced by quietly spoken “Counsellors” who simply spoke a few words to reinforce the thorough conditioning and issued the appropriate Soma.

Huxley wrote: “There’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts.”

Huxley’s world was a civilised, productive, technologically efficient society that had no obvious dystopian factors at all. Even the real peasants, the Epsilons, who had been genetically designed and conditioned to love their mundane servitude, had no reason to even contemplate “rising up” against their oppressors because they didn’t realise they were being oppressed.

Was Brave New World depicting a dystopia or a utopia?

“Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.”
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World, 1932

Understanding the Peasants

As social animals we prefer to live in groups with shared beliefs and a common understanding of the world we inhabit. These “echo chambers” we like to “hang out” in, serve as a reassurance that we are not alone. It allows general conversations and discussions within the group and it confirms and reconfirms the beliefs of the group through constant reassurance. Those that have thoughts that are at odds with those of the echo chamber are considered “radical” and cause friction. Groupthink, we believe, is a good thing. Radical thoughts should be avoided because they threaten the peace and comfort we get from our echo chambers. Most people believe that restrictions and controls should be put in place to ensure our groupthink, and by extension our Society, is not threatened. Although we believe that Adolph Hitler was evil for burning books, we believe that the control of social media, news content and the internet is not evil. It merely ensures we do not have to deal with thoughts and ideas that do not comply with the established narrative.

Facts that contradict the narrative should simply be ignored.

It is not so much a matter of intellect or intelligence, rather it is a matter of social acceptance and ego. A society relies on the shared believing of the approved narrative. Then, having committed to believing it, they cannot admit, even to themselves, that they may have been mislead, deceived, duped, tricked and hoodwinked. And they cannot bear to risk their social construct, be ostracised, “unfollowed”, “un-friended”, ignored or ridiculed.

No, it is better not to see. The radical thought must be removed.

Common beliefs bond people together. If we have enough common beliefs then we form societies. The risk then is that if someone can control those beliefs then they would have immense power over the societies.

History shows this is true. Belief in Religion and the monarchies’ Divine Right for instance, were common beliefs that held the feudal system together for centuries. Controlling the narrative has been an integral part of the control over the masses for thousands of years.

In a functioning society that is based on a common narrative that is full of untruths and the distortions of facts, people simply do not want to know the truth. They do not want to know the facts about the 9/11 attacks, the assassination of JF Kennedy, the Great Reset / 2030 Agenda, the Climate hoax, the war atrocities committed by “our side”, or anything that could cause them to think anything other than what they are ‘supposed’ to think as part of society. People who work in industries such as the media or in academia, or in politics, police, or even in corporations, understand that their continued salaries depend on them, not only repeating the narrative, but actually believing it.

When your way of life depends on the acceptance of a particular narrative, people will gladly accept that narrative. It is, in fact, socially unacceptable to believe anything other than the official narrative. People are often not merely indifferent to any evidence you may put forward that challenges the mainstream stories, they are positively averse to even registering its existence. They will become angry if someone was to draw their attention to inconvenient facts or put forward more plausible evidence that disputes the accepted mainstream stance. They realise that understanding the actuality of how the world works and the despicable crimes that have been committed in the name of the Greater Good, would place them in a moral and social dilemma.

In a world that is controlled by untrue narratives, Truth and Happiness cannot survive together. The choice is one or the other and people should choose wisely.

If social acceptance relies heavily on a “groupthink” mentality then challenging mainstream views will ensure you are not invited to social functions and events, people will avoid close contact with you and any ideas or suggestions you may put forward, regardless of how sound they are, will be viewed as the ideas of a “conspiracy theorist”.

The general rule in any society is that Conformity is Rewarded and Nonconformity is Punished.

Remember the experiments in 1951 by Solomon Asch from Chapter 3?

We can make ourselves believe whatever we need to.

To be a part of any society, one must adhere to the accepted official narratives of that society. To do otherwise is to risk one’s position and standing and all of the benefits that are associated with it.

People have a considerable amount of themselves invested in their beliefs and it is incredibly difficult to face facts that may challenge their long held views. Those who blindly accepted governments’ and official organisations’ claims that the Covid 19 pandemic would take millions, perhaps billions, of lives unless severe action was taken, are more likely to maintain that initial belief rather than use critical thinking and reasoning or to research alternative facts. Those who chanted “Flatten the curve” from their windows at anyone daring to go outside their home during the early days of “lockdowns” committed themselves completely to the narrative. Even those that simply accepted the statements and lost their jobs, closed their shops, or adjusted their lives in a significant way because of the pandemic claims, were now invested in that claim. They had made their sacrifice for the Greater Good. To even consider that the Greater Good is actually an agenda hidden from the vast majority of the eight billion people on this planet would render their sacrifices as meaningless.

“Anyone who believes the official narrative of the events of September 11, 2001, is simply refusing to look at, or even acknowledge, any of the actual research and evidence that is readily available.”


We believe what we want to believe.

“You take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.”
Morpheus from The Matrix, 1999

Important Observation

While the “truth seeking”, “Alternative Media” elements of our society continue to focus on the growing “Orwellian” aspects of our civilisation, those in control are quietly and carefully implementing a “Brave New World”. It is insidious. It is dressed as solutions to our problems. It is packaged as a “better, brighter future” - a Utopia that will save the planet and the human race. And it will be implemented as we are looking elsewhere, while we are distracted by their “bread and circus” manipulations. Only a small number of people will notice. Only a small number of people will care. That is the beauty of their system.

The peasants will not rise up. They will embrace and cheer for the New World Order as if it is what they were fighting for.


Through the Capitalism era, the Oligarchy amassed even larger amounts of wealth. Money translates to power in this era. Money changes the direction of societies, of industry, of science and of technology. Foundations were established and grown during this era and are used to direct the money to where the Oligarchy need it to go. The money flows from benevolent billionaires seemingly just wanting to save humanity from humanity. Gates, Rockefeller, Clinton, anyone who is anyone has a Foundation. Philanthropy is considered a selfless act of those who succeeded in the game of capitalism. Like Rockefeller handing out dimes, billionaires collect billions from other billionaires and then hand out billions for what appears to be worthy causes. But there is a method to the madness.

Foundations are an important weapon the Oligarchy’s arsenal.

For example, they can be used:

- To ensure science is directed. Climate Change becomes the narrative. Covid becomes a pandemic. Green Energy is proven both scientifically successful yet scientifically unachievable. Genetic engineering is acceptable. Artificial Intelligence is accepted and advanced. “Vaccines” (treatments rather than a true vaccine) become part of the New Normal. Science has spoken.

- To ensure the medical industry is directed. Cures are not developed but treatments are. DNA is researched and manipulated. Biological weapons are developed so we can create antidotes to protect us from our enemies. Babies are modified before birth. Genders can be changed at any time. New diseases are discovered and new drugs are developed. Every situation now has a pharmacological solution. ADHD? We have a drug for that. Depressed? We have a drug for that. Hypertension? We have a drug for that. Doctors simply consult the database to match the condition with the drug and write the prescription. Next please.

- To ensure the media industry is directed. Movies must be “woke”. Ultra violence? Yes. Homosexuality? Mandatory. Rewrite history? Of course. Glorify wars and actions? Every time. Justify CIA or MI5 actions, total surveillance, pre crime, control of technology? Ok. Create trends, perceptions, new beliefs, new directions? Yes, yes, yes and yes.

- To ensure education is directed. Mandating core learning? Sounds ok. Provide social skills? I suppose. Create a common narrative. Ummm. Instil a foundation of conditioning. Wait. Hang on. What?

In our current capitalist world it is the money that controls the content. Grants are handed out to control the direction of the industry, be it education, science, media, entertainment, medical or technology. The role of Foundations with their almost limitless funds, cannot be underestimated in setting the directions, policies and overarching principles in all industries. They are crucial to the Oligarchy’s future control.

In Huxley’s world, Conditioning was initiated from birth and continued through the formative years. Reconditioning was applied if and when required. In our current world the starting point is not so clear. We still have homes, family and are unaware of any conditioning requirement. If we were told we needed to send our babies to the Conditioning Centre, we would likely not comply.

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.
Adolf Hitler,1935, speaking at the German National Party Convention

For hundreds of years, US Federal and state governments wrested Native American children from their parents and placed them in institutions of one kind or another or in the homes of white families in an effort to “civilize the savage born”. In Australia and Canada the policy was similar. Forcibly take children from the natives and school them, educate them, try to integrate them into “society” - to be assimilated. Policies included punishment for speaking their local Indigenous languages and observing their traditions.

These stolen children lost connection to family, land, culture and language and were taken to homes and institutions where they were often abused, neglected and unloved. they were rarely assimilated but they were stripped of their heritage, language and culture. In my part of the world I call it “being Westernised”.

Today we gladly hand our children over to the State so they can be educated, assimilated and the correct conditioned responses installed. We call it Education rather than Conditioning. We prefer to see it as “learning to read and write” rather than “assimilation into our society”. We trust that true history will be learned rather than the “accepted narrative”. We expect that our children will learn truth, fundamental skills and be provided with opportunities to reach their full potential. Even though our own experiences of the flawed and skewed education system tell us otherwise, we send innocent young minds to be shaped by the State. It is the law after all and we are too busy anyway.

It has been revealed that since 1941 an association, known as the All-Souls Group in the UK and representing some of the most powerful people in the world of British education, has been meeting three times a year in an oak- paneled room at Oxford University.

“Many believe it is here, rather than at the Department of Education that crucial questions about schools are raised.” A 1995 article in the papers revealed.

“One of the reasons why Margaret Thatcher got so infuriated with the educational establishment was that it seemed to have a private core which she couldn’t get her teeth into, and half her civil servants seem to be involved,” a source confessed.

“Anyone who discloses details of who was present or what was said risks being banished from the group. No minutes are kept, no papers or public statements ever emerge, and the membership list has never before been published. They are protected by Chatham House Rules, which dictate proceedings are off the record.”

Membership is by invitation and the criteria are shrouded in mystery.... There are about 50 active members and, once in, few leave.

In the United States a similar group exists. Top foundation heads, top professors of education and top educational operatives in the state and federal governments decide on policy and coordinate its implementation throughout the United States and provide funding for it.

Various Foundations have a major influence on what is and isn’t included in curriculums. The Rockefeller Foundation is a major influence, the Carnegie Corporation, with its dark past in Eugenics, is one of the leading foundations embedded in the formulation of the education system and the Ford Foundation with its history of Eugenics support and anti semitism is at the forefront as well, with actions such as the establishment of Sesame Street. These foundations are well known for their connections to the ruling Oligarchy. Even King Charles III is there with his Princes Foundation that is heavily involved in education.

They issue the money. They direct policy. They direct learning.

Private schools are not immune. They are offered funding if they include agreed elements within their curriculum. They gladly accept.

But the curriculum is only part of education as we all know. School is a place where conditioning creates foundations that last a lifetime. Conditioned responses embed themselves, biases are formed, narratives are learnt, social interactions are tried and tested. Our thoughts on subjects such as our nation, our flag, our glorious history.

Schools embed the notion that we, citizens of (insert your country here) live in the best country in the world.

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Vladimir Lenin - Founder of the Russian Communist Party

But schools can only do so much as far as conditioning goes. The process needs to be ongoing. The conditioning needs to be embedded deeply. We must truly believe.

Where schools are unable to continue the conditioning outside of the classroom, the Oligarchy must rely on a different method.

In 1969 Herbert Krugman conducted an experiment to discover what goes on physiologically in the brain of a person watching TV. He elicited the co-operation of a twenty-two-year-old secretary and taped a single electrode to the back of her head. When he monitored her through various trials, Krugman found that in around 30 seconds of television viewing, the brain-waves switched from predominantly beta waves, indicating alert and conscious attention, to predominantly alpha waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of attention: the state of aimless fantasy and daydreaming below the threshold of consciousness. Krugman noted “We do not consciously or rationally attend to the material resonating with our unconscious depths at the time of transmission.”

Krugman went on to a long career at General Electric where he formulated that 3 viewings of an advert was enough to cement that product into the subconscious of the viewer.



Naturally, advertisers and purveyors of products and services saw this as a golden opportunity. Millions of dollars and countless studies followed, most with the “advertising” focus.

Television though has a much deeper, darker secret. Its power to pass information directly to the subconscious of the viewer is an important element of both controlling the narrative and controlling what people believe. As we quickly move to Alpha Wave brain activity, we immerse ourselves into a lower mental state, less evaluative, less critical, less able to discern truth from lies, reality from fantasy. Information received that we may normally reject, or at least question, under normal conditions is now able to flow directly into the subconscious. Whereas prior media messaging was via newspapers, magazines and radios which is read or listened to in the beta brainwave state, television enabled messages to bypass critical reasoning and logic. Messages filled with half truths and propaganda, images that distract us, divert our attention from the realities of the world, messages hidden in “entertainment”, common narratives, alternate facts and anything else, now can be delivered directly to the subconscious. Here was an opportunity for those seeking control to manipulate the masses.

Technology had now delivered a critical weapon for the Oligarchy. A Conditioning Tool every peasant will integrate completely into their lives!

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.”

Edward Bernays - considered a pioneer of propaganda


Remember we are the most experimented on animals on the planet!

The human brain has been studied, dissected and researched. Cables have been attached to the brains of the living and science has researched every facet of every area of the brain. They know what each section is for and what affects each area. They know what sights, sounds and smells elicit what emotions and reactions. They know what frequencies trigger which conditioned responses. They know how to manipulate thinking and reasoning and how signals from eyes and ears travel to the brain.

Every aspect studied. Every aspect tested.

A brief explanation of what happens when we turn on our televisions:

Activity in the higher brain regions (such as the neo- cortex) is diminished, while activity in the lower brain regions (such as the limbic system) increases. The latter, sometimes referred to as the reptile brain, is associated with more primitive mental functions, such as the "fight or flight" response. The reptile brain is unable to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television. To the reptile brain, if it looks real, it is real. Thus, though we know on a conscious level it is merely images and sounds, on a sub conscious level we are not able to clearly discern the difference between the television and reality.

Mind manipulation with television is now part of everyday life. Movies understand that with the right lighting, the right music and the right images, an emotional response can easily be triggered. I have found my eyes starting to water through many romantic scenes, felt my heart beat faster in a thriller as the music volume increased or felt goose bumps in a suspenseful horror scene. To film makers and advertisers this is simply a tried and tested way to elicit the right emotional response as part of the movie.

Advertising has been using it for decades. I have found myself inexplicably wanting something that, before I saw the advertisement, I didn’t even know existed. But at that moment I wanted it. It gave me a “good feeling”.

Where once an advert for coffee might explain the great taste, now, by simply using the techniques of music, lighting and vision, coffee adverts are likely just to show “that moment” when their brand of coffee makes the whole world seem better in some way. It understands the conditioned responses we have. They should, they spent billions of dollars understanding it and how to use it for their benefit. Advertisers, corporations, governments all use this as part of their way of “doing business”.

Want to be Happy? Buy this.
Want to feel Safe? Do this.
Want to feel like you are saving the planet? Eat this. 

Want change? Vote like this.

Television news now uses mind manipulation constantly. I have been conditioned to want to watch the news, to trust the stories and believe that all the important news I need to know will be told to me in an unbiased and factual way. News, we are constantly reminded, is trustworthy.

I have noticed in the last decade or so, the transformation of News programmes to Infotainment. They tell me what opinions I should have. They tell me how to respond to anyone talking against the official narrative. They tell me who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. News is no longer news. Facts have given way to propaganda. News is now just the Governments and Oligarchy telling you what to think and say.

Scientists have also discovered that TV can create both a physical and psychological addiction. Watching TV causes the body to release endorphins, a natural sedative with properties similar to opiates like morphine and heroin. It is therefore not only possible, but probable, to become physically addicted to television watching.

Television has now given way to the internet. This flow of endorphins and the addiction it causes is well understood by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok. Their business models depend on it.

By portioning out endorphins through Likes, Shares and being Friended, these organisations ensure constant exposure.

We now have the tools that will enable our conditioning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Smartphone has revolutionised where we can take our dispensers of endorphins. We can take them everywhere and watch them constantly. Being without a smartphone is now considered almost anti-social behaviour.

We have welcomed the means of ongoing Conditioning with open arms. We now demand better and faster connections. We demand all areas have coverage. We demand our right to carry our smartphone everywhere and be forever connected to the network.

We demand it! It is our right!


Trends, Hashtags, Feeds, all conditioning us to the New Normal society. Now with instant updates of the Narrative.

The Oligarchy and their supporting Barons, Lords and Billionaires now have the foundation for the Conditioning of the masses. It also offers incredible opportunities for further experimentation into perfecting the Conditioning process.

10 years ago in January 2012, Facebook conducted a psychology experiment on nearly 700,000 users without their knowledge.

The test saw Facebook manipulate news feeds to control which emotional expressions the users were exposed to. Some people were shown content with a happy and positive outlook; some were shown content that was dark and negative. The results of the experiment confirmed thatthe users who were provided with negative feeds then went on to post negative feeds themselves and visa versa.

The research was done in collaboration with two US universities to apparently gauge if "exposure to emotions led people to change their own posting behaviours".
This is one of the few times these types of experiments have been brought to light. It would be naive to believe more detailed experiments aren’t conducted on a regular basis. The masses spend the majority of their waking life attached to these feeds. It would be preposterous to believe research and experimentation wasn’t a major part of these Platforms routines.
The internet has provided the Oligarchy with a system for Conditioning that would have made Huxley proud. His understanding of hypnosis techniques for Conditioning and the “narco-hypnosis” he predicted, had come to fruition through television, computers and smartphones. The only risk to the system is the “recalcitrants”. Those who use the internet against the Oligarchy’s agenda. Those few people who see the illusion for what it is and attempt to wake the hypnotised from their Conditioning.

But the media will continue to push the Narrative and outline the areas we should focus on. The Platforms of the internet will continue their dispensing of dopamine while restricting their content to “approved” content only. Governments will continue to fight for the right to silence all those who dare speak against the Narrative with their “Fake News”. The Corporations that are the Movie Studios will continue to promote the approved agendas and narratives within their films and television series working in tandem with the CIA, MI5 et al.

It is working.

Here is an excerpt from John’s life. Perhaps you recognise it.


Life According To John

John wakes to the sound of birds. He liked the Birdsong option on his phone alarm. He quickly picks it up and checks his notifications. Some people have Liked his picture he posted and there are some new comments. Prince William and Kate are trending. He makes a mental note to Tweet something later with that hashtag.

The remote has fallen on the floor so he picks it up, turns on the tv and changes the channel to

his favourite News Breakfast show. While he is dressing he hears stories of food shortages and climate change. The numbers of Covid cases are dropping which cheers John up. Less cases and less deaths. All those sacrifices we made have finally started to work. It was all worth it. “We flattened the curve” John grinned to himself. “We are finally reaching the New Normal”.

John quickly shaves, cleans his teeth and finishes dressing. He can’t quite hear the Top Stories when he is in the bathroom so he hurries to finish. They will doing the What’s Trending segment next. That was John’s favourite part of the news.

His kitchen is joined to his lounge area so he switches the main television on as he walks in. He can watch it while he eats. Russia’s invasion is being shown. They have killed many innocent people and the US are promising to send lots of money and weapons to help stop Putin.

“Give me one bullet and I could fix this problem” thought John as he reached for his phone. The television was showing interviews with experts explaining how Russia was being

defeated slowly. He reaches for his phone with his left hand as he takes a large spoonful of cereal with his right. He scrolls while he eats. King Charles III, wild weather in the north, Putin’s partial withdrawal...John looks through what the conversation topics will be when he gets to work. He also looks briefly at the reviews for last nights episode of House of the Dragon. He memorises some of the review comments so he can repeat them to his friends at work. As he is scrolling he sees a little article on Julian Assange and thinks briefly on raising that today. No. He knows they don’t like talking about that so best to not to raise it. There was an article about a glacier collapsing. That would be a better topic.

John lifts his gaze from his phone to the tv. They are talking about Fake News and how it is a type of domestic terrorism. “We need better laws to stop that” John thought to himself. “Why don’t the government do something?”

All of a sudden John stopped. Did he plug his car in last night? He doesn’t like using fuel in his car. “What if it didn’t charge?”

The thought of using fossil fuel scared John a little. The planet is dying and he didn’t want to add to the problem by using fossil fuels. He rushed to check the car charger.

As John entered the garage he noticed his recycling piles. Each pile carefully cleaned, sorted, folded or compressed sitting in front of a poster of Greta Thunberg. He should ask his friends if they want to go to the recycling depot on the weekend. That might be fun.

His phone vibrated. Someone just Followed him. “300 Followers now”. He grinned. Now that was something worth telling his friends about.

He had charged his car so John was relieved. He jumped in and headed off to work.

The one hour drive was uneventful and passed quickly while he listened to the latest Podcast from The Guardian.
He drove through the gates of his office building car park and continued towards the Purple Zone. His position in the company included free car parking as a benefit. He was allocated a space in the Purple Zone which was a 15 minute walk to the building. Tom, his

work friend, had just been allocated a space in the Blue Zone. That was a lot closer and John was very jealous. Tom was the only person he knew who had a Blue Zone space. It was at least 5 minutes closer to the office which meant that Tom’s job was more important than his own. He liked Tom but he didn’t like the fact that he always managed to remind everyone that he was in the Blue Zone.

Tom found his way to his cubicle and turned his computer on. The next 4 hours was spent inputting numbers from other data bases and running reports for his supervisor. John looked at the clock on his phone 427 times in that 4 hours. “Time goes slower in my cubicle”, John thought but eventually is was time for a break.

As John entered the cafeteria he immediately searched for his group of friends. They were sitting at their normal table all staring at their phones. Not talking. Scrolling and typing, scrolling and typing.

“Hullo everyone” John said with a smile as he approached the table. No one looked but but they all said “Hi” or “Hey” or “Morning”. They were all still scrolling and typing.

“What’s new?” Jahn asked as he sat down.

“The Blue Zone was really busy today” said Tom, without looking up.

“Check this out John”, said Mark as he stared at his phone screen. “It’s a new app”.

John sat and looked at his phone. Mark had sent the new app directly to him so John pressed Install then Accept All when it popped up. John never knew what he was accepting but it was the only way to get any app so why question it. “I don’t have anything to hide” thought John.

The app was called Perfect Citizen. If you entered all of your details and completed all of the questions it would give you a score. 5 was the top score and was of course a Perfect Citizen score.
The app collates all the data on your lifestyle, where you go, what you do, what you recycle, when you vote, who you interact with and other things John didn’t really understand.

The home page had statements like:

“It links all of your social media accounts so you can access them all through one app.” “No more searching for for accounts, tweets, posts, photos or documents. This app does it all.”

“One app, one password, one stop shop for all you social media!”

“Sounds cool”, John said as he scrolled to the first series of questions and started typing. Everyone at the table continued scrolling and typing, completing the forms and accepting various conditions. “It’s good to have friends”, John thought.

“We can compare our scores every day”, said Phillip. Phillip didn’t talk much usually but he seemed really happy filling in his details in the app. “It’ll be fun”, he said without looking away from his phone.

“Yes”, John said, “it sounds like fun to me”. He didn’t look up. He just kept scrolling and typing. “I hope I get a better score than Tom”, he thought as he typed. “Then he can shove his Blue Zone”.


I can almost see the Oligarchy busily preparing the next phase: Virtual Reality.

The Power Of Language

Language is important.

Language is used by those in control in two main ways

  • Controlling us

  • Controlling the narrative.

    Language - Controlling Us


Excerpt From 1984, George Orwell

Orwell calls these contradictory slogans Doublethink.

They are the principles of Oceania and they are kept front and centre of the population. When used in conjunction with other propaganda tools, they create at the very least a collective disorientation , and even more effectively they create a state of what many call today, cognitive dissonance; thereby keeping the population of Oceania in a state of passive acceptance, a state of confusion.

In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental condition experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time.

Dictionaries define it as “anxiety”, “psychological tension” or simply “an uncomfortable mental state”.

Psychologists have proposed that cognitive dissonance creates a type of “static" in the human psyche and this static has the power to distort or even block a persons perception. When information creates cognitive dissonance, the person starts to rationalise within themselves. They abandon critical reasoning and instead look for ways in which both conflicting points can be true at the same time. Rational thought is discarded as it cannot survive where two facts or two points of view contradict. We are not compelled to deal with the conflicting information straight away. We can file it in our subconscious and deal with it later.

We remain in that “uncomfortable mental state” and carry on.

“Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking; they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.”

George Carlin- Actor, Author, Social Critic

find myself thinking quite often that we are in a bizarre “ through the looking glass” world at times. I am told completely contradictory things all throughout the day. Some media articles have complete contradictions in the same article. Headlines contradict the article. Politicians say things that completely contradict evidence. I couldn’t understand why the world had become so “bizarre”.

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery.

We are being conditioned to be “fuzzy thinkers”. We accept contradictions. We open ourselves up to even more contradictions and then we are willing to accept lies for truth.

A comfortable lie is better than an uncomfortable truth.

With the 24/7 social media feeds, television news in the background and constant reminders from everywhere, these contradictions are repeated and repeated.

“They must be true. I read it in the Guardian, heard it on the tv news and saw it on TikTok. My friends told me too.”

With fuzzy thinking we will accept the most bizarre claims in the right circumstances.

The Emperor's New Clothes" written by Hans Christian Andersen in 1837, is a tale about a vain emperor who is told that only intelligent people can see the cloth that the merchant is selling. There is no cloth but to admit that is to admit his own lack of intelligence. He has clothes made of the cloth and proceeds to wear these “clothes” in public.

The moral of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is that people should be willing to speak up if they know the truth, regardless of consequences. Or perhaps the moral is that people should not believe things without empirical evidence. Regardless, the tale shows that even nearly 200 years ago, people were willing to ignore fact, ignore their own eyes even, to ensure they were seen as fitting in, part of the social group and worthy of inclusion. If the King says the clothes are real and if not seeing the clothes makes me stupid, then I choose to see the clothes.

Language is powerful.

In todays world language is critical to control.

We are constantly dosed with DoubleThink and kept in a cognitive dissonance state. We no longer search for the truth or use research and critical thinking to dissect these contradictions. We don’t know where to 
find the truth anyway. Fake news, they tell me, is everywhere and it is dangerous. It is easier to accept the approved narrative, the official explanations and their version of events.

Fuzzy thinking.

Cognitive dissonance can also apply in cases where people are confronted by facts that conflict with conditioned beliefs.

If the cognitive dissonance is caused when someone’s deep-held beliefs are exposed to alternative facts, the individual may become agitated, angry and completely ignore the new facts that cause the cognitive dissonance. The facts are not just inconvenient, they are dangerous and should be destroyed.

It is a powerful self-preservation mechanism but it can completely override the human desire for truth. We would rather believe a lie than deal with the consequences of the truth. People, once they have subconsciously committed to a belief such as a religion, a scientific theory or even a politician or leader, will usually completely dismiss any contrary facts rather than reevaluate their own beliefs. “It simply cannot be so” we tell ourselves.

“I refuse to listen!”
The emperor’s clothes look magni

“The Farkawi Tribe only had one word for “kill”. It was the same word they used for “prepare the meal”. It had no other meaning. My own language had 137 words for “Kill” and another 1000 plus euphemisms meaning the same. This fact alone showed the immense differences between our two cultures and gave me reason to doubt the Farkawis could ever be successfully integrated into our society.”

Stanley Livingstone - Memoirs Of A Colonial Puppet

This isn’t really a quote. I made it up and use it to merely highlight how language shapes the culture and the culture shapes the language. The use of a quote though somehow gives the statement more credence, more believability. Someone famous said it so it must be true.

(Note: Stanley Livingstone isn’t a real person either)

Language - Controlling the Narrative

Language is more powerful than most people imagine. Words can create an automatic subconscious response, a picture, an image that we have been conditioned to.

A “Preemptive Strike” conjures an image where there was no other alternative but to strike. An image of an automatic defence rather than a planned offensive. An image where the enemy had created the situation themselves and a preemptive strike was the only course of action left. Compare that imagery to the subconscious image of the word “Attack”.

“Last night we conducted a preemptive strike on the militants” creates a completely different scenario to “Last night we launched an attack on people from another country”.

Word are important. They know it and we need to know it as well.

“The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world- view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc (the ideology of the government of Oceania) but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words..”

George Orwell - 1984

Shaping the narrative is key. Thousands of Agencies, PR consultants, government departments and skilled individuals make billions of dollars simply changing the words to form a narrative. Words matter. They form pictures in our minds.They conjure images in our conscious and subconscious minds.

The words Freedom Fighter conjures imagery of a brave individual standing up for what is right whereas the word Terrorist brings to mind an evil madman bent on destroying all that is good.

Words are powerful.

They know that. Framing the narrative correctly is one of the key elements to successful control. They need us to believe what they want us to believe and words, carefully crafted words, are the foundation of convincing people that the narrative is true, righteous and pure.

Using terminology such as “classified information”, “national security” and “the greater good”, those in power can manipulate situations with almost complete impunity. The people not only accept this, many of them demand it.

Cries of “Off with their heads” can be heard when the likes of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden reveal secrets to the general public, regardless of the complete lack of humanity or regard to law these secrets reveal. Wordsmiths framed the situation as crimes of revealing secrets, risking “National Security” and colluding with the enemy. That is where we should focus. That is the narrative we should believe.

“Suspected terrorists” were neutralised by drones overnight.


A number of innocent bystanders were murdered when drones fired missiles into a crowded wedding.

Words are weapons. Orwell new it. The Oligarchy and their countless minions know it.

Think of 9 11. What image comes to mind?

The vision most people conjure in their minds is one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York ablaze. Planes flying into the towers. Destruction and death caused by terrorism.

Not many people think of the towers crumbling in a “controlled demolition” fashion. Not many think of building 7, that anomaly that also crumpled in what appeared to be a controlled demolition even though no plane ever crashed into it. Hardly anyone thinks of a plane that apparently disintegrated on impact with the Pentagon.

The narrative of 9 11 was extensive and prolonged. It was also very effective. The automatic subconscious image on hearing “9 11” is the towers ablaze. Anything thing else reeks of “fake news” or conspiracy theory and starts to raise questions.

We are being conditioned to automatically accept their words and their narrative. Their narrative is repeated in every facet of 21st century communications. It is now almost a daily occurrence that the narratives include new words, new terminologies and mutate words’ meanings to alter the perceptions. Only an ever vigilant person will see through their veil of carefully chosen words to see the reality and that takes effort.

Words are a weapon.

Newspeak Examples

  • Peacekeepers or Peacekeeping force: An invading or controlling army directed by the Oligarchy to keep people and opposing governments in line with our agenda.

  • Extremist: Anyone who disagrees with our narrative or agenda

  • Freedom: The things that those in power may allow you to do occasionally if you obey all the rules.

  • Democracy: The beloved dictatorship you live in.

  • Elections: Auditions for the next face of your ruling body.

  • Facts, fact checkers: our propaganda and propagandists.

  • Fake News, Fake News Outlets: their propaganda and propagandists.

  • Scienceissettled:Theseresultssupportour agenda and we don’t want to discuss it any more.

  • Hostiles: People who are taking action against the Oligarchy’s total domination of the human species.

  • Terrorists: 1- Undercover MI5, CIA or Mossad operatives we are using to progress our agenda

  • Terrorists: 2- People who disagree with our right to bomb their cities and kill their families to progress our agenda.

  • National Security: None of your business.

  • War: Murder of some pawns as part of our

    long term agenda.

  • Welfare: Leeches who want your money.

  • Unprovoked attack: People who finally

    found the need to fight back against our


  • SuspectedTerrorist:Anyonewekill.

  • Friend/Ally:Someonewhoseagenda,

    temporarily, aligns with yours.

  • ConspiracyTheory:Factswedon’tlikeand

    anyone who repeats this must also believe that the earth is flat and reptilians rule the planet.

  • Conspiracy Theorist: someone who dares to question the official narrative so must be ridiculed or ignored.



The idea that the universe has an intelligent design has a resonance that rings true. The theory that we grew from a random explosion of matter from nowhere seems ludicrous to me.

A design? A purpose? A simulation? A god? Many gods?

I feel that we are the cheese mites. Forever pondering the possibilities but not having access to the whole picture. We do not know what we don’t know. And in the end does it matter?

We are all in a game but the game isn’t ours. We don’t make the rules and we don’t control the pieces. Most don’t even know this is a game. We think of it is “life” - a random set of events that are taking us in a direction that no one controls and no one can accurately predict. We think that the direction is left to chance. Coincidences, unforeseen circumstances, random happenings that no one can envisage, let alone control, are all taking us somewhere but no one knows where.

Life. One big spin of the wheel and everything is left to chance. No one is controlling the wheel. Where it lands nobody knows.

Sounds naive to me. It does not sound like the reality we live in. Experiments, simulations, thousands of years of history and records at our fingertips, technology and AI developing at a tremendous pace, but none are being used to actually control our journey and set our destination? A species that has proven that it plans and simulates and plans again but in this case there are no plans? We should continue to believe that everything is left to chance and though governments “try” to help, they continuously fail to alter the direction we are supposedly heading?

I believe that there is most definitely a plan. Those that have tasted the sweetness of total control of empires in the past are not likely to be watching tv and just hoping the future brings something nice for them.

We are living in a game and the game is rigged!

We can longer leave the thinking to other people. We cannot let the media tell us what to think and say. We cannot mindlessly let governments tell us what to do. We cannot rely on social media to honestly tell us what is important, where we should focus our attention, what is happening in the world. We cannot blindly trust that science and technology are benign and have our well-being in mind. We must understand that the famous people we trust should not be trusted. The doctors, the police, the government, movie stars, trusted names of science, they should not be blindly followed, believed and obeyed. They are playing the game. They are the Bishops, Rooks and Knights of this game. We are the pawns. The Oligarchy is the King and see all other pieces as objects to use to ensure they win the game. They will sacrifice many pawns, a Bishop or a Knight, even a Queen as long as it gets them closer to winning the game.

The game does not have the outcome of everyone being free and happy.

It is a game controlled by the few for the few. No randomness. Nothing left to chance. It has all been planned and simulated before. Every outcome analysed, studied and reviewed.

We are all players in the their game.
We are all acceptable collateral damage. We are all potential criminals.
We are all Peasants to be controlled.


They know:

  • They can make people do anything if they are reassured they won’t be held responsible.

  • They can rely on ordinary people to use, and likely abuse, any power they are given.

  • They can make people believe they are powerless.

  • People will mimic the behaviours of others.

  • Peer pressure will change a lot of people’s minds even when they “know” it is wrong.

    They now have the tools to change what people think, do and say! Technology has provided them with effective Conditioning tools and they are highly skilled in their use.

So seek your own path rather than blindly following theirs.

But be aware that the path is full of rabbit holes, honey traps and bright, shiny signs pointing in the wrong direction. Many people who travel the path think they make it through but in fact they have been caught in a distraction, an illusion of freedom, built by those that need you to stay in their construct. Lured by flamboyant characters with silky tongues, many would-be escapees simply move from one illusion to another thinking they are now “awake”, but they are still trapped.

The new heroes of the popular vote who seemingly say all the right things are not playing 3D chess. They are not planning the grand reveal. They are not going to lead us to a better future. They are there to control you and keep you playing their game with their rules. Of course they say “Wait. You can still win. Keep playing. Look at how the game is now changing. Now with much better chances to win. Stay a while.”

They need you to stay.

It is better, in my opinion, to seek the outcome from this game that suits you. Play your own game. Not theirs.

A Note About Hope:

I once had hope. As a child my life was full of hope. I saw hope as a wondrous thing that gave me energy and zest, it gave me a feeling of safety and security, it gave me a warm comfortable feeling like a warm blanket on a cold day. I am told, by friends, through media and by politicians and governments, that we should all have Hope but I discovered that Hope was actually an impediment to my progress.

Hope, I found, stops us from trying to control our own lives, our situations and our destinies. Hope had me waiting for someone or something to fix whatever issue I had. Whether that be a divine intervention where our creator shows me a solution or voting for a different political party that promises to make my life better or thinking a lottery win will solve my issues. Hope stopped me from action.

There is a reason why governments want me to have Hope. It is a drug that keeps me from taking any action against their growing control. It keeps me content enough to sit and wait for a hero to fix things. It makes me compliant and it limits my rational thoughts. Perhaps I wasn’t praying hard enough or voting hard enough or wishing hard enough but the saviour never came, the leader never turned out to be what they said they were and my lucky numbers never turned up.

There are no heroes any more. We are much more likely to shout for the death of any likely hero. Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, is just one example of how potential heroes are treated today and scripture describes in great detail how a potential hero was treated 2000 years ago. I have learnt that I cannot rely on any hero and I need to treat Hope for what it truly is - a comforting tale we tell ourselves so we can Carry On.

Hope, like prayer, keeps us inactive while giving us a sense that we are actually doing something. Winston, from George Orwell’s 1984, lived with hope that the “proles” would eventually rise up and save them all. (Spoiler alert - They don’t). Hoping and praying for change only provides an illusion of action. It is easy and anyone can do it but does not change anything. We are deluding ourselves to believe otherwise.

Hope still is a part of my makeup but now I use it sparingly. I use it knowing that it is just making me feel a little bit better about my predicament or my inaction. Otherwise I believe hope is addictive and very dangerous.

The Future Is In Sight - A Brave New 1984 World

          A Nemo Significans Prediction


The next few years will undoubtedly see a major push in several main areas:

There is of course the continued coordination of our Conditioning and the development of common narratives.

All media messages, through television, movies, radio, news outlets, etc, will have some common key points that will be repeated ad nauseam. The development of a narrative that explains why our freedoms must be restricted, our food rationed and our incomes diluted will also be instilled into law under the cover of keeping us safe and secure.

There will be more laws for the tighter restriction of any narratives counter to the “official”, “approved” narrative.

Purveyors of any information at odds with the “official” narrative will be silenced, fined, perhaps imprisoned and outcast from society. Great lengths will be taken to ensure that anyone who questions the “official” narrative is dealt with swiftly and severely. Large departments, funded primarily by governments, will be tasked with undermining and ridiculing all opposing points of view. Through the means of Fact Checkers, coordinated Troll Armies and click farms, any views opposing the official narrative will be silenced. Social media platforms will continue the restriction of anything at odds with the official narrative.


There will be a greater shift towards the genetic manipulation of people ‘for the greater good’. The increased understanding of DNA and genetic sequencing will be utilised to continue the Eugenics agenda and increase control over us. It will also be used to extend lives and strengthen the genetics of those in control. Diseases specific to a DNA or genetic code will continue to be developed and utilised (similar to AIDS and Monkey Pox).

As mentioned, the US president has further signalled the future direction with his Executive Order of September 12, 2022, where it clearly states:

“We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers....”

The Canadian Government think tank Policy Horizens, has released a document urging more bio digital advancements. Bio as in biological and digital as in software. They write:

“Robots with biological brains and biological bodies with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces. The medical use of digital devices in humans, as well as digitally manipulated insects such as drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts, are examples of digital technology being combined with biological entities. By tapping into the nervous system and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose. New human bodies and new senses of identity could arise as the convergence continues.”

Our food is already being manipulated in this manner and I expect a wave of bio digital innovations for people and the continued blurring of the line between human and machine. It will be upon us in a matter of years, not decades and it will be utilised as a control mechanism during the next pandemic/biological scare. The promise, again, will be safety and security but the actuality will be control and more control.


Economies will crash and the Capitalism era will decline until, eventually, it will be declared as an “unworkable” system. New systems will implemented as the “solution to the problem”. Each system will take us closer to the eventual re-establishment of a Feudal system. Renamed and rebranded, it will be seen as the “ultimate solution”.

Capitalism after-all, was an unsustainable system in the long term. A world run by money results in everything in it being of some monetary value. A tree for instance is seen as a dollar value. The value of the wood for timber, the bark for mulch, the off cuts for firewood, the leaves for biofuel. The value of the tree can be easily calculated. The intrinsic value of the tree for its beauty and form, for its place in the eco system in producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide, for its symbiotic relationships with the animals and birds and insects that make up the complicated but extremely efficient eco system. These properties are not important under Capitalism. Money is.

A system where a tree is worth more felled and dressed, an animal is worth more slaughtered and portioned, a human is worth more dead with organs separately packaged or as a slave to be sold to a labour camp or the sex industry, is not a sustainable system.

The byproducts of Capitalism in the form of pollution, erosion, destruction of eco systems will also eventually become too large to ignore. The finite resources will eventually be harvested to near extinction. Everything will be packaged as a product with a price. Everything.

Capitalism will most certainly decline and a new system will be implemented. It is inevitable. Inescapable.


The Brave New World is approaching and the brutality of the 1984 world will gradually be replaced by voluntary servitude. We will stumble into servitude in a hypnotic state and we will embrace our servitude.

We will see the gradual retractions of the brute force “boots-on-the-face” approach as a victory. Our victory. The truth is that it is all planned. A ready made solution to be rolled out to fix the problems they created.

Final Word

Whatever the actual aim of the game is, I believe that we can only successfully complete the game if we are to find our proper place within the universe rather than bending it to our will. If we are in harmony with all living things rather than trying to own, destroy or control them, we may just find our place and discover meaning to it all.

So I will continue my search for purpose and meaning but I will enjoy the journey. I will try to see the magic and the beauty in this universe. I will love and I will be loved.

I can see my glass as half empty, I can see my glass as half full or I can wonder at the beauty and the magic that is the glass itself.

But that is just how I see it.


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