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The Zombie Apocalypse Is Here Now!

People have been predicting the Zombie Apocalypse for years and they have all been labelled as conspiracy nuts.  Funny thing is though, the zombies are now completely surrounding us and no one is noticing.  I am sure you have seen them. I am sure you know many of them.  A group of them in a restaurant, not talking but all staring and swiping their phones. A line of them waiting for their umpteenth booster shot. A lone zombie walking along a street but never looking at the trees, the people, the blue sky…… just their phone. That zombie driving by himself but still wearing their mask.    The ones that endlessly repeat the headlines of the day but don’t understand any of it. The ones that want to argue about how many genders humans can be and how using the correct pronouns are so important in our society. Or the ones that believe that by buying an electric car we will save the whole planet. By eating less, by breeding less, by breathing less……. They are everywhere.    Mindless, irrational
  2024 Prediction - The Dominoes Are About To Fall There are five main dominoes in the Elite’s agenda that are very close to    toppling. One leads to another then another until, eventually, the last domino falls.  The final domino is, of course, almost total control achieved through the introduction of a new governing body equipped with totalitarian laws that restrict our freedoms to virtually zero. Backed by a force, both local and international, the size and power never before seen, that will enforce every law they deem necessary.  But before that happens, a number of dominoes need to fall and the first one will almost certainly be in 2024.  Here are the dominoes as I see them. Not in any particular order.  Pandemic Disease X is coming and with it, all the trappings of lockdowns, vaxing, travel bans, business closings, hospital hysterics, aged care atrocities and more.  The last pandemic worked and I hear people say the next one won’t work because people are awake to their shenaniga

Through My Eyes

For my Grandchildren Prologue The world may seem random, unpredictable and confusing but I see a world through the veil of secrecy, through the seemingly random chaos, through the deception, lies and manipulations. It is a simple world. Simple in its structure and purpose. The purpose though is dark and once we peel back the deceptions and look logically and honestly at events both past and present you will also see its simplicity. This book does not attempt to delve into intricate details or outline laboriously the facts and evidence behind my views. This book is simply for providing an overview, a vision of the “bigger picture”, of who we are and where we are going. I hope this book helps explain what you are seeing and experiencing and gives you the strength to navigate your way through this 21st century world. Nemo Signi fi cans 2022 1 THE BEGINNING “We are a species with amnesia.” Attributed to Graham Hancock I was born into a game - a game that has been running for many thousands