The Rise of the Occult - Fad or Alien Intervention?

Demons, Devils, possession, fallen angels, the undead and many other tales have been told for thousands of years. In some times and cultures they are as real as life itself while in others they are merely used in stories to frighten young children. Today, in the mainstream, these topics are told through books, theatre and movies and sold as "entertainment" although stories persist of secret organisations worshipping the power of dark forces for power and control. "Alternative" sites tell stories of occult worship by Royals and Popes, Presidents and billionaires, movie stars and musical superstars and hint at dark forces that are controlling our lives.

Medical Science's View

Multiple personality disorder, or dissociative identity disorder (DID), is the psychiatric condition used to explain occurrences where people exhibit behaviours of multiple beings in one body. DID is explained as cases where one (or more) secondary personality splits off and dissociates itself from the primary one. The primary or core personality is usually unaware of the secondary personality and is called an ‘‘alter.’’
The alter almost always has a life of its own, complete with separate memory, different personality traits and also may include speech differentials and other effects. When an alter surfaces, the core personality is said to retreat into the background.

"Most of my patients have alters inside who either speak in a foreign accent or actually know a foreign language (or even several languages) that they don't remember learning." - Pamela Monday, PhD, a psychotherapist who has worked with over 60 individuals diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder.

DID can be used to explain split personalities to a degree, but it is yet to explain how distinctly separate languages, knowledge and skills can manifest themselves in alters.

The Physicist's View

Harvard’s Lisa Randall, one of the most influential theoretical physicists of our time, writes in a recent essay:"...there could be other universes, perhaps separated from ours by just a microscopic distance; however, that distance is measured in some fourth spatial dimension, of which we are not aware. Because we are imprisoned in our three dimensions, we can’t directly detect these other universes.
"The fact that we see only three spatial dimensions doesn’t necessarily mean that only three exist, and Einstein’s general relativity doesn’t treat a three-dimensional universe preferentially."

Howard Wiseman of Griffith University in Australia recently published a theory of the existence of multiple versions of our universe that overlap, and even interact. This multi worlds theory also goes a long way to explaining the seemingly bizarre phenomena occurring in quantum physics.

Physicist, Dr Michio Kaku, theorises that parallel universes exist and supports the recent M-theory, which posits that our universe may be just one in an endless multiverse, a singular bubble floating in a sea of infinite bubble universes. Kaku also suggests it is possible to form gateways or portals to connect these parallel worlds.

Science then, theorises that parallel universes and multi-dimensions exist and multiple personalities, with different knowledge, language, skills and traits, are factual. Is it such a leap from science then to consider that inter dimensional aliens may be influencing our civilisation? And did the religious beliefs of the devil, demons and possession spring from this very phenomena?

Possession Proof?

Possession by Devils, demons or past souls is prevalent throughout our history and even the Bible tells of Jesus casting out demons from his followers.

The Vatican firmly believes in Possession even to this day. The Vatican first issued official guidelines on exorcism in 1614, and subsequently revised them in 1999. In July 2014, the Vatican officially recognised the International Association of Exorcists, 250 priests from 30 countries who exorcise evil demons from those possessed. Pope Francis, and his predecessors, truly believe in possession by evil beings. 

There are many examples of supposed possession, some filmed, where those possessed are able to:
- Speak in many languages fluently, including Ancient Greek and Latin, having had no prior knowledge of that language;
- Display super human strength;
- Predict the future;
- Display the ability to read minds.

A type of possession may also be referred to as "channelling" or "prediction" and famous channellers include names such as Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, Shirley MacLaine, Lobsang Rampa and Mother Shipton.

One recent example of a possible possession was captured during an interview of Britney Spears by Diane Sawyer in 2003. During the interview it seems as if Britney is suddenly possessed when asked a difficult and emotional question. The new personality is slightly dazed and confused at first as if they had just been handed control, without warning.
You can watch the two minute video here and form your own opinion:

The Music Industry

The Music Industry of today, apart from the usual messages of sex, lust, greed, materialism and violence, shows an ever growing message of demon worship, possession and the occult.

Beyoncé clearly admits posession, many musical artists openly admit selling their souls, music clips of Madonna, Perry, Gaga and more are clearly occult based and the performances at the Super Bowl, Music Awards and other high profile events show clear signs of demon worship and sacrifices. Most music heroes now openly use occult signals such as the Devil's Horns and Evil Eye hand gestures. If an "ordinary" person went on television and claimed that they had sold their soul and they let other entities take control of their bodies, surely medical/psychiatric help would be sought. Not so in the Music Industry. The demons may have found a safe haven where their behaviour and actions are not questioned or subjected to close scrutiny.

Is this just another fad? Or is there a subliminal message being sent so as to enlist support and worship for Baphomet, a demon that has been worshipped since the times of the Knights Templar. Is Baphomet imaginary, a real demon or an inter dimensional alien being? Are the "alter egos" of the music industry stars such as Sasha Fierce and Lady Gaga just created characters or are they actual beings from another dimension or multiverse that inhabit those that have "sold their souls"? The legend of selling your soul for musical fame has been well publicised since the days of Robert Johnson, his trip to the Crossroads and his subsequent sudden musical talent and fame. It may well have now grown to include a large number of musical stars.

I remind readers that there is little or no scientific proof to support these occurrences. Science has a difficult time proving who has control of a body at any given time, but it does recognise that there are unanswered questions on how individuals gain knowledge, strength and can even speak ancient languages while "possessed".

Science takes us to the edge of possession by multi dimensional beings without ever crossing that line but with the ever increasing occult influence in the Music Industry, is it possible that many are indeed vessels for alien beings from a different dimension or parallel universe? Is the age-old battle of Good versus Evil gaining momentum and crossing dimensional boundaries? The evidence grows.


  1. Good post. I firmly believe in the demonic side of all this. Either way, there is some evil stuff going on in the music business!


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