2024 Prediction - The Dominoes Are About To Fall

There are five main dominoes in the Elite’s agenda that are very close to  toppling. One leads to another then another until, eventually, the last domino falls. 

The final domino is, of course, almost total control achieved through the introduction of a new governing body equipped with totalitarian laws that restrict our freedoms to virtually zero. Backed by a force, both local and international, the size and power never before seen, that will enforce every law they deem necessary. 

But before that happens, a number of dominoes need to fall and the first one will almost certainly be in 2024. 

Here are the dominoes as I see them. Not in any particular order. 


Disease X is coming and with it, all the trappings of lockdowns, vaxing, travel bans, business closings, hospital hysterics, aged care atrocities and more. 

The last pandemic worked and I hear people say the next one won’t work because people are awake to their shenanigans now. “Fool me once ……” they say. 

Sorry but No. There will be a Disease X and it will be presented as 100% real and believable so many, many people will fall into line with all of their instructions. 

Financial Collapse

Economic destruction to dismantle the current system and converge banks and government into a virtual single entity is getting closer every day. 

Real estate loans will trigger a fall that continues until money becomes virtually useless. 

Job losses, bank defaults, bad debts ….. everything will devolve until there is no saving the “current system”. 

Food Shortages

Supply Chain disruption, crop failures, climate change initiatives (farm restrictions, fertiliser bans, gmo seed failures, etc.) will increase food shortages and raise prices for available goods. 

Disease X may initiate a culling of chickens (bird flu), pigs (swine flu), cows (mad cow disease) or sheep. 

New laws will halt the production of food as we know it and new ways of producing “food” will be introduced as a means to save the planet, stop the disease or simply to overcome shortages created by wars and other means. 

Note that it has never been about “eating the bugs”, it has always been about creating food that can be patented, branded and produced only by select multinational corporations. Anyone can catch and eat crickets. They do not want that. They simply want complete control of all we eat. Their brand. Their product. Their factories run by their robotic work force producing “planet saving” food for all (well, everyone but them). 


Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, Baltic states, Middle East countries and African nations will keep war in the forefront which will put additional strain on supply chains and transfer even more wealth from people to the MIA complex. 

Civil unrest will grow to a Civil War scenario in countries based on the highlighting of differences between minorities, uncontrolled immigration, elections and other means. USA and Europe/UK will be the largest but many countries will also descend into major civil unrest. Wars will be blamed for the crisis at the time, be it food shortage, financial collapse, hacking of infrastructure and severe rationing will be enforced. 

Information Control

One or more of the dominoes listed above will be used to justify internet controls. 

The media and internet will be controlled (even greater than now) so that only agenda specific stories are reported. Deep Fakes, AI generated material and propaganda will take over so that no one will be able to tell what is actually real and what is not. 

All internet users will be required to verify themselves before even being able to access the internet. 

Issues designed as a distraction will be magnified and made to seem important, even if just for a week or so (missing submersible, Kate conspiracies, Boeing whistleblower, etc) and Truth will be impossible to determine. 

Truth will be given to you by the  “fact checkers” that must be trusted and the media will supply you with the required responses you should give to anyone who disagrees with the Facts they determine are real. 

Digital Wallets

Solutions to the above will result in Digital Wallets with restrictions on spending. UBIs will be implemented to ensure the Digital Wallet is accepted by the majority. “Free Money” will be disbursed. 

For most, buying food and paying bills will only be possible with the government approved digital wallet with CBDCs. Cash will be phased out. Cash purchases will eventually be presumed to be illegal transactions and therefore outlawed. 

Global Government - The Final Domino

The WEF, WHO, UN and other yet to be identified global bodies will be given powers to address the above dominoes which eventually results in a one-world government. Non elected officials will be appointed to global governance positions to ensure our “safety”. 

The Solutions to the problems they created, will be introduced globally. 

Not all of these dominoes will fall in 2024. 

They are all being carefully constructed though and the first one or two are almost certainly going to topple this year. 

The end result may take until 2030, (their ultimate deadline) and there will be chaos, pain and worse during the next few years.

Be aware, watch for the signs and prepare as best you can.

Be safe and stay on the right side of what is coming. 


CLIMATE - The common thread in the Dominoes. 

The Club of Rome identified, in its 1991 report - The First Global Revolution, that Climate was the perfect “new enemy” that they needed to scare us into submission. 

“In searching for the new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for cause. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changing attitudes and behaviors that they can be overcome.  The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” 

And so science was hijacked to become “The Science” and a new bogeyman came into being. 

We now must accept that We are the problem and should look to the purveyors of The Science to explain how we must forsake our comfort and freedom to avoid our destruction by this “new enemy”. 

It is an enemy that can never be defeated and anyone who opposes the increased restrictions on our freedoms or cost to ourselves is labelled as a Climate Denier that is akin to being a terrorist and threat to all humanity. 

Climate is, and will continue to be used as and when required to highlight the “problems” and to support the “solutions” presented by our respective governments, the Fact Checkers and their global controllers. 

Good luck and stay safe. 


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