How To Beat The End Game!

As the events accelerate towards the seemingly unstoppable End Game,  we need to reflect on what we can actually do about it. Can we stop the violence, the growing control of the Police State, the incessant expansion of the globalists empire and the dark direction the irrelevant governments and Shadow Government are taking us? Is there a better way that violent protests in the streets?
The short answer is Yes, but the solution requires courage and resolve. Inner strength rather than brute force is the key (and a little bit of stockpiling supplies).

As I outlined in the article The End Game Revealed, the ultimate goal is total control. Total control has been their goal for a long time and we are not far away now from the martial law, curfews, FEMA Camps and everything else that comes with their 1984 style future.

My most recent article outlined the types of weapons that police and other "citizen control units" such as DHS has in their arsenal. They believe that an armed rebellion is certain. After all, how much will citizens put up before they stand up to their cruel masters? They anticipate a rebellion!

But there is a way we could stop this and completely change the world in the process. 
Here is an extract from my article "Can We Break The Chains Of The Corporate Slave" from August 2014.

"A growing number of people are waking up to the fact that the current system is unsustainable. The planet is being systematically destroyed, millions die from hunger, wars and curable disease, the inequality of wealth is at its peak and humanity is becoming inhumane. Politicians are owned and controlled by the Corporatocracy and the laws and policies in place are to protect profits and corporations at the expense of people. We all know the problem. The Corporations and Banksters are working to their own agenda that is destroying our liberty, our privacy and our planet. 

"The irony is that we are the ones who are making all of this possible. We are the ones that make the whole system work. Without us, there would be no system. We, the slaves of the Corporations and Governments, are the enablers of our Corporate Masters. 

"Imagine what would happen to all the Corporations, Governments and Agencies (Police, IRS, DHS, Armed Forces, etc) if we all decided not to work in their machine any more. What would happen if we all decided not to go to work tomorrow, or the next day or November 5? The System cannot exist without the many cogs that make it possible - us. Without us, there can be no Corporate Machine or Government. Within a very short time, days or weeks at most, everything would stop if we all just stayed home. Without us, the machine doesn't work. No need for violent protests, no need for armed rebellion."

This non violent and non antagonistic approach is what they do not expect. Their weapons of control will be useless if we are not in the streets, not in a mob, not in their sights. Batons, pepper sprays, tasers and guns cannot be used against people who are simply not there. The streets will be empty. The factories and corporations will be empty. The roads will be empty. The enemy that the Governments and Shadow Government have been preparing for will simply not be there. We will be at home, withholding our "services" until there is real change. The machine stops when the slaves aren't there and the masters will have no one to confront. We do not have to rise against the machine, we simply have to stop turning its cogs.
We keep the machine going!

How many of us would it take to stop the machine from turning? 50%?75%? Could this work? How long would it take? Do we have the resolve? 

I do not know but isn't it a better course of action than blood in the streets.


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