Is Working For A Living Really Living?

It is unfortunate that we have such deep conditioning where we see that Work is our Meaning. Humans have huge potential for many things such as art, literature, philosophy, exploration, etc, but we hold on to Work as the thing that gives us purpose. We cannot see past this paradigm and those in control do not want us to. They see their purpose as Control and a UBI (Universal Basic Income) leads ultimately to total control. A No Chip, No Cheque system that gives them control over our very existence.
The trigger for this is an economic collapse, which will occur at a time of their choosing. All it will take is for the cessation of funding to corporations and individuals and the house of cards tumbles. A UDI, something we are already being conditioned to accept, is the Solution that is inevitable. It could lead to a "Star Trek" type of society but it won't. It will be manipulated into a control mechanism where Employment is a great reward (we are conditioned to believe that employment is our reason for being) and the Government is the only employer. The rest are simply "Factionless" masses to be controlled, experimented on, culled or whatever the whim may be.
The problem is obvious. The solution though starts with first "unlearning" the "Only Work Gives Life Meaning" paradigm and find your own reason for being.
We are at a huge evolutionary step for civilisation but as we see from the sheep around us, most people look to their leaders, their sports and music heroes, their religious heads or someone else to tell them what they should be thinking and doing. The precariats (as discussed at the latest Bilderberg meeting) are unfortunately looking at the same people who caused the problem to solve the problem so the future does not look bright for most.

We are very near the point where robotics and AI replace the fragile and unreliable human as the worker. Algorithms, software and intelligent mechanics are replacing us at a fast pace so we should reflect: Is working for a living really living? Or is it just our conditioning? Have we been socially engineered into wage slaves?

Find your own meaning for living. Don't just accept the rhetoric that only employment can give your life purpose.

Here is a Truthstream Media video on the coming changes. Time to prepare.


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