An Update To The 2016 Election - for those who are awake only

Shocking Presidential Plot Twist!
The Season Finale of the Next US President reality show is finally over and delivered the unexpected twist we have all come to enjoy. The supposed outsider, Trump, prevailed against the odds to defeat the sure fire favourite in a blockbuster event that kept citizens glued to their chairs. The script writers did a very good job of building the tension with email scandals, vote rigging, health scares, body doubles and more so we became thoroughly enthralled in the pantomime. As a Season Finale, it was a huge success.
Now comes the post season commentary. The media will explain to us how "we" got it wrong, how Trump succeeded, why the polls were so unreliable and what we should have expected. Like real experts, the same media that lead us up the wrong path will explain why that path was clearly wrong after all. Thank goodness for the experts.
There will also be lots of speculation about the coming season. Which cast members will survive, what alliances will be made, what part will Russia play in the new season and is Hillary really dead or will she return next season to scare the children?
We have engrossed ourselves in this reality show to such an extent that we cannot believe it isn't real. We cry when our hero fails, we cheer when the underdog prevails, we laugh when someone stumbles and falls.  We are an appreciative audience.
And now, or so they would have us believe, some of the audience are unhappy with the script. Protests have started and placards of "Not My President" are being waved by the young and easily distracted. The plot is not to their liking and, we assume, they want Hillary. 

But wait. Could this could be just another part of the plot? After all, with the endless wars, non stop surveillance, police violence and the rest of the Orwellian factors, this audience was still content to sit back, watch and enjoy. Now, for reasons unfathomable, they protest? Is this an instantaneous reaction where our youth, the future of our country, have finally awoken from their slumber and will demand serious and sustainable change? Or is it a Soros style orchestrated plot twist to bring about more control, less freedom and further discontent?
Only time will tell as the script writers aren't talking and the producers are still in the shadows. One thing is for certain though. We are part of a scripted "reality show" and there will be more plot twists to come.


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