Share Markets and the Declining Relevance of Government

The share market is a strange, enigmatic indicator. Despite what many people believe, it does not indicate the health of an economy as much as it indicates peoples' perceptions of the economy. But still, as an indicator we should see what it tells us.

There are primarily three types of investors: those who gamble (mostly other people's money) based on their limited understanding of the economy and how it will impact company share prices; those who blindly follow what the share market is doing and; those who know what is going to happen and make money on the share market (the Rothschilds, George Soros and other Elite).

The first type, the Gamblers, are mostly young capitalists working for large investment firms that use superannuation funds and other sources of other people's money to try and make profits so they will get a huge bonus. Many don't take major risks which is why all super funds deliver the same as each other and about the same as if you had invested yourself. They listen to every word that comes from the Reserve Bank, politicians, the US Federal Reserve, etc in the hope that they actually have control over the prices of shares.

The second type, the Followers, try and read what the market will do, similar to a gambler on horse racing that just looks at the odds to make a decision. They rely on other investors to make the move and then they follow based on no more information that "that's what everyone else is doing".

The third group are the Mega Rich, Global Elite and Shadow Controllers. The same ones that knew of the US World Trade Centre tragedy well before it happened and made billions through the markets. This group is powerful enough to manipulate markets, manage mainstream media propaganda, buy politicians and utilise the ever increasing surveillance for their benefit. All for more money and more power.

So why should we care?

That leads us back to what the share market is - an indicator of what the perceptions are of the economy. If the perception is that the economy is strong and healthy then shares will rise. If the perception is that the economy is faltering then the share prices will fall. Simple. This is why politicians, bank executives, CEOs and the like are always building up the perception of the economy. Statistics are used to show the number of jobs rising and the number of unemployed falling. Statistics though can be, as the saying goes, damned lies.

If the number of jobs is rising, but the jobs are part time, less money, seasonal, etc then the rise in number does not represent growth in the economy. If 100 full time, senior positions are replaced with 150 low paid, 2 days a week, no penalty rate positions then the net result is LESS jobs. Even the Mainstream Media are starting to recognise that the jobs are now with less hours, less wages and little or no security.

If the stats for the employment rate are determined using criteria such as 1 hour of work a week equals Employed and the actual figures are manipulated for vague reasons such as Seasonal Adjustments then they become damned lies. When unemployed people over 50 are told to volunteer for two days a week so they are no longer part of the unemployed number then the statistics are damned lies. These lies are necessary to keep the perception that the economy is growing so that the share market (and house prices) will continue to rise. Every trick they have is being used to prop up the share and property market to keep the illusion that everything is ok with the economy. Politic speak, cheap and easy credit, "news" interviews with so called "experts", they have many tricks to keep the illusion alive. That way we won't notice the jobs disappearing, the wages shrinking, property becoming out of reach for the X, Y and Millennial generations and we won't notice that the government's have been failing for decades at their jobs. If we do start to notice then we are quickly reminded that there is so much more to fear. 

Whites against blacks, Christian against Muslim, Neo Nazi against anti Neo Nazi, guns, terrorists, Russia, the list goes on with what we should fear and who we should point the blame at for our problems. And so the finger gets pointed at refugees, other counties, immigrants, people of different religion or race, global warming, in fact the finger gets pointed everywhere except where the blame really lies - government! They, together with banking cartels, IMF, world bank, the elites and the rest of the "usual suspects", have been manipulating perceptions successfully for years. And as with all great illusionists, the art of misdirection is key to success.

Here is a chart of the major world share markets almost 1 week after Brexit was passed.

The Yearly column shows previous 12 months movement.

The daily news programs may speak of share markets rising and falling on a daily basis but they do not look at the bigger picture. This chart clearly shows the move of the markets over the last 12 months. With notable exceptions of Russia and New Zealand, markets have lost value in the previous year. Some, such as Italy, Spain and Japan are down significantly but that is to be expected. It is no secret that these economies are tanking. But China? Many countries such as Australia rely heavily on China for trade. China buys Aussie iron ore and other resources and the Australian property market is being propped up with the help of China. The facts though show that the Chinese economy is in decline. Hong Kong, Singapore, France and Germany are also in significant decline. In fact the vast majority of the main economies have been either stagnant or in decline over the past 12 months. Does this  signal a healthy, growing economy? And yet, we are told by politicians, from Turnbull to Clinton, from Shorten to Trump, that they have the answer to fix the problem. It hasn't been fixed yet, despite monumental government and banking interventions but now, in election mode, it is fixable. Is this what governments do? Do they have control over the economies? No. Governments have proven time and time again that they are merely riding the economy train. Whether it be upwards, when they take the credit, or downwards, where they identify the blame, they have little or no control over the economies as they are complexly entwined across the globe. China sneezes and Australia gets the cold. Governments merely sit in the drivers seat of a fully automatic self-driving car and provide the illusion that they have the controls.

Governments have mastered the art of misdirection.
In the past, governments were primarily responsible for providing and maintaining the services and infrastructure required for a good life and good business opportunities. But now they sold those services and infrastructure to private corporations to pay for their lust for power and appease the powerful lobbyists. They can no longer ensure we have the basic needs of civilisation such as power, water and telephones for these are now owned by multinational corporations driven by low cost and high profit.

They don't control the economy and they don't provide/maintain services. Therefore, government has made itself redundant. They no longer have a meaningful place in our world and we would all see that if it weren't for the illusionists' trick of misdirection. They know that themselves though and they fear that soon, more and more people will start to also see the government's irrelevance. This is why the police are militarised, riots are violently quashed, surveillance is everywhere, armies are growing larger and the distractions and misdirections are becoming more frequent.

The real enemy is in plain sight. The governments have become irrelevant and are monitoring and controlling our existence on almost every level. If we look past the terrorist threats, the latest "new" enemy, the outbreaks of previously unknown diseases, the evil empires across the oceans and all the other distractions and misdirections that are thrown up, we will see the true enemy of humanity's potential - governments.

And now we are expected to vote.........


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