
Showing posts from June, 2016

Share Markets and the Declining Relevance of Government

The share market is a strange, enigmatic indicator. Despite what many people believe, it does not indicate the health of an economy as much as it indicates peoples' perceptions of the economy. But still, as an indicator we should see what it tells us. There are primarily three types of investors: those who gamble (mostly other people's money) based on their limited understanding of the economy and how it will impact company share prices; those who blindly follow what the share market is doing and; those who know what is going to happen and make money on the share market (the Rothschilds, George Soros and other Elite). The first type, the Gamblers, are mostly young capitalists working for large investment firms that use superannuation funds and other sources of other people's money to try and make profits so they will get a huge bonus. Many don't take major risks which is why all super funds deliver the same as each other and about the same as if yo...

Bilderberg 2016, Orwell and the Precariats

Bilderberg The Bilderberg Meetings that are held annually have been the subject of many alternative media articles over the years and the 2016 meeting in Dresden will be no exception. outlines their agenda and their participants these days in a move that most realise is an attempt to distract and misdirect the growing focus on their activities.  The key point to the Bilderberg Meetings though is in their own website homepage under “About Bilderberg Meetings”. Although the first few lines mention "informal discussions" the last few lines make the real purpose of the meetings clear: The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed. Thanks to the private nature of the meeting, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed...

Our Obsession With Gold - Was Our DNA Made That Way?

Why are humans so obsessed with Gold? Is it linked with our origins as a species? And why are we so accepting of our Masters? With the increasing expectations of an imminent catastrophic global financial crisis there are many economic advisors suggesting that property and shares should be sold and the proceeds invested in gold. Gold it seems has an almost magical property that ensures it retains its value when shares and property don't. Gold has always been seen as having great value, but why? What is the real value of gold?  Gold is a relatively rare metal and has a number of qualities that seem to make it irresistible to humans - it has a shiny lustre, it does not tarnish, it has good electrical conductive properties, it can easily be combined with other metals to form alloys and it is very malleable allowing it to be formed into complex shapes, thin sheets or wires. But do these qualities alone make gold so precious? Are th...