Share Markets and the Declining Relevance of Government

The share market is a strange, enigmatic indicator. Despite what many people believe, it does not indicate the health of an economy as much as it indicates peoples' perceptions of the economy. But still, as an indicator we should see what it tells us. There are primarily three types of investors: those who gamble (mostly other people's money) based on their limited understanding of the economy and how it will impact company share prices; those who blindly follow what the share market is doing and; those who know what is going to happen and make money on the share market (the Rothschilds, George Soros and other Elite). The first type, the Gamblers, are mostly young capitalists working for large investment firms that use superannuation funds and other sources of other people's money to try and make profits so they will get a huge bonus. Many don't take major risks which is why all super funds deliver the same as each other and about the same as if yo...