Putting Earth, Aliens And The Universe Into Perspective

Before we start ridiculing anyone who believes in aliens, UFOs or strange phenomena and before people buy into the Islam versus Christianity, Russia, ISIS, Terrorism scenarios and start supporting wars and killings for religion, money and oil, let's take a look at where we live. Our Planet Earth. Earth has a population of over 7 billion people and around 9 million different known species of plant and animal life. Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system. This system is made up of 8 major planets, over 180 known moons and 5 recognised dwarf planets. Our solar system is also constantly visited by asteroids, comets and other celestial bodies from the far reaches of our galaxy. Our Galaxy Our solar system is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, a spiral galaxy that contains at least 100 billion Suns. It is accepted that many of these Suns will have their own "solar system" of planets, moons and other bodies orbiting t...