Our Moon - The Unanswered Questions

Our moon still retains many mysteries that science does not explain. Although science proposes many theories, they fail to answer all the anomalies identified. The theory that it was once part of Earth was proven false once moon rocks were analysed. That it formed from left over debris from Earth's formation was also disproved as the greater magnetic field would always attract the debris, thus leaving nothing from which the moon could form. Evidence also exists to suggest that the moon is far older than Earth. Another popular scientific theory is that the moon was somehow "captured" by the Earth’s gravitational attraction but no evidence exists to support this theory. Isaac Asimov, summarised it best - "It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth, are too small to make such an eventuality credible."

Our moon is the only moon in the solar system that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit. The moon’s center of mass is closer to the Earth than its geometric centre which should cause wobbling in its orbit but it does not and the moon’s bulge is on the far side of the moon, away from the Earth. The moon's Stationary or Tidal Locked orbit means we only ever see one side of the moon. The "dark side" of the moon is never visible from Earth. NASA and ESA often use this effect to stabilize our own artificial satellites that we place in orbit around our planet.

While the diameter of the Moon is a mere 2,160 miles against the Sun’s gigantic 864,000 miles, it is in the perfect position to block out all but the Sun’s flaming corona when it moves between the Sun and the Earth. Asimov explained: “There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”

The "perfect" size and position.

Some event placed our moon in its position with its precise altitude, orbit, tidal lock and speed but we are yet to universally agree on a workable theory.

The precise orbit of the moon leaves many unanswered questions.

The Hollow Moon

"If the astronomical data is reduced, it is found that the data requires that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere." - Dr. Gordon MacDonald, NASA, Astronautics magazine in 1962.

"The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow." - Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT

On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage which then crashed onto the moon. The impact created a "moonquake", causing the moon to reverberate for more than an hour.

Apollo 13 repeated this experiment by intentionally commanding the third stage to impact the moon. The results supported the Apollo 12 findings with seismic instruments recording that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled to a depth of twenty-five miles, leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light core or possibly no core at all.
Other Apollo missions repeated these experiments until the Apollo seismographs were deactivated in 1977.

Dr. Farouk El Baz, the space scientist who worked with NASA in the planning of scientific exploration of the Moon, including the selection of landing sites for the Apollo missions, was quoted as saying, “There are many undiscovered caverns suspected to exist beneath the surface of the Moon. Several experiments have been flown to the Moon to see if there actually were such caverns.”
The results of these experiments have never been made public.

Just Another Manic Moonday

A Workable Theory?

In July 1970, two Russian scientists, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, published an article in the Soviet journal Sputnik entitled “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?” They advanced the theory that the Moon is not a completely natural world, but a planetoid that was hollowed out eons ago in the far reaches of space by intelligent beings possessing a technology far superior to ours. Huge machines were used to melt rock and form large cavities within the Moon, spewing the molten refuse onto the surface. Protected by a hull-like inner shell plus a reconstructed outer shell of metallic rocky junk, this gigantic craft was steered through the cosmos and finally parked in orbit around the Earth.
In their article Vasin and Shcherbakov wrote, “Abandoning the traditional paths of ‘common sense,’ we have plunged into what may at first sight seem to be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy. But the more minutely we go into all the information gathered by man about the Moon, the more we are convinced that there is not a single fact to rule out our supposition. Not only that, but many things so far considered to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of this new hypothesis.”

Moon Legends

The Mayans tell of the moon being broken into 13 pieces and then being put back together again.
The Egyptian tales tell us of Osiris, the Moon God, being cut into 14 pieces and then 13 of those pieces were rejoined to bring him back to life.

Zulu legends tell of the hollow Moon as the home of the Python or Chitauri, (Reptilians?) a race of intelligent extraterrestrials. The legend states that the Moon was brought here hundreds of generations ago by two brothers who had scaly skin like a fish.

Is Our Moon The Remnant Of Ancient Alien Technology?

Was the moon built and put in its place by ancient ETs? Is it a hollowed out and hardened satellite put in its specific orbit for reasons unknown?  Although this theory, as preposterous as it may first sound, covers all the anomalies of our moon, science, with its absolute rigid disbelief in any possible extraterrestrial civilisations, does not dare to contemplate it.

'...when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'
Sherlock Holmes - the Sign Of Four 


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