Yin, Meet Yang - Chapter 1

I had some time to kill and started to write a book. I don’t know if anyone is ever going to read this but I thought “What the hell..” so here is Chapter 1 and if anyone does read this, please let me know if I should write more or if I should forget about it and move on. Oh, and be aware that there might be a swear word or two in it. Sorry. It was dark and warm and I was comfortable. The type of comfortable that is rare and unique. I felt at ease. At peace. I drifted back into my deep sleep. The gentle beating rhythm in the far off background pulled me deeper down. I was relaxed. It was a serene and tranquil peace and the darkness felt warm and safe. It was paradise. What was that! I felt a pushing sensation. I couldn’t work out what was pushing me but it was uncomfortable. I had been is such a good deep sleep that I really didn’t want the pushing. For fucks sake. Stop with the pushing! It was pitch black so I couldn’t make out anything. No shadows, n...