2024 Prediction - The Dominoes Are About To Fall There are five main dominoes in the Elite’s agenda that are very close to toppling. One leads to another then another until, eventually, the last domino falls. The final domino is, of course, almost total control achieved through the introduction of a new governing body equipped with totalitarian laws that restrict our freedoms to virtually zero. Backed by a force, both local and international, the size and power never before seen, that will enforce every law they deem necessary. But before that happens, a number of dominoes need to fall and the first one will almost certainly be in 2024. Here are the dominoes as I see them. Not in any particular order. Pandemic Disease X is coming and with it, all the trappings of lockdowns, vaxing, travel bans, business closings, hospital hysterics, aged care atrocities and more. The last pandemic worked and I hear people say the next one won’t work beca...