How To Beat The End Game!

As the events accelerate towards the seemingly unstoppable End Game, we need to reflect on what we can actually do about it. Can we stop the violence, the growing control of the Police State, the incessant expansion of the globalists empire and the dark direction the irrelevant governments and Shadow Government are taking us? Is there a better way that violent protests in the streets? The short answer is Yes, but the solution requires courage and resolve. Inner strength rather than brute force is the key (and a little bit of stockpiling supplies). As I outlined in the article The End Game Revealed, the ultimate goal is total control. Total control has been their goal for a long time and we are not far away now from the martial law, curfews, FEMA Camps and everything else that comes with their 1984 style future. My most recent article outlined the types of weapons that police and other "citizen control units" such as DHS has in their arsenal. They believe that ...