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Yin, Meet Yang - Chapter 2

  CHAPTER 2 Life in the back room is good.   I have my pillows. I have my tv. I have my cute teddies turning slowly around above me.  What else could I possibly need? I have watched the kid grow and do all of the stupid kid things that kids do and his life seems ok.  He may not be the smartest, or the cutest but he does alright.  Yep. Life is good.  Shut up teddies.  I am not bored. I am happy here in my small back room. Just another 70 years or so and it will be all done and I will be outta here.  Shut up.  You just concentrate on turning around slowly and looking cute.  That is your job, not giving me lectures on how I should live this life.  The back room might be small and it might be a little bit empty but at least I have no real problems here. I can sit and relax and check on the kid occasionally. Plus I have you guys to keep me company with your nagging and your complaining and your constant fucking advice on what I should be doing.  Ok. Ok. So maybe I am just a