IRAQ – BRILLIANT STRATEGY AND PERFECT IMPLEMENTATION INTRODUCTION Iraq is back in the media spotlight as the Islamic State for Iraq and Syria (ISIS), born from the ashes of the 2003 US invasion, moves towards Baghdad. What is common in most media articles on the subject is a tacit agreement that the 2003 Iraq invasion was a disaster, either in the strategy or the implementation or both. But what if the strategy was well thought out and its implementation perfect? Why are we so quick to believe that the US government and its allies from Europe, Australia, UK, et al, went from one bad decision to the next in a series of seemingly reactionary and shortsighted moves that has resulted in a bloody chaos that will continue to bleed innocents' blood for generations? Why won't we consider that this is part of a grand plan, the execution of which has so far been successful? REASONS FOR THE 2003 INVASION? The 2003 Iraq invasion and the current escalating situation is comp...